Věstník 5/2023
prEN 1993-1-9 Eurocode Design steel structures Part 1-9: Fatigue CEN/TC 250 2023-06-22
prEN 1993-1-4 Eurocode Design steel structures Part 1-4: Stainless
steel structures
CEN/TC 250 2023-06-22
prEN 1991-1-5 Eurocode Actions structures Part 1-5: Thermal actions CEN/TC 250 2023-06-22
prEN 1991-1-1 Eurocode Actions structures Part 1-1: Specific weight
of materials, self-weight construction works and imposed
loads buildings
CEN/TC 250 2023-06-22
prEN 1991-1-3 Eurocode Actions structures Part 1-3: Snow loads CEN/TC 250 2023-06-22
prEN 1998-2 Eurocode Design structures for earthquake resistance -
Part Bridges
CEN/TC 250 2023-06-22
prEN ISO 17117-1 Health informatics Terminological resources Part 1:
Characteristics (ISO 17117-1:2018)
CEN/TC 251 2023-06-15
prEN 13674-1 Railway applications Rail Part Vignole railway rails
46 kg/m and above
CEN/TC 256 2023-06-22
prEN 15273-4 Railway applications Gauges Part Catalogue defined
CEN/TC 256 2023-07-06
prEN 15273-2 Railway applications Gauges Part Rolling Stock CEN/TC 256 2023-07-06
prEN 15273-1 Railway applications Gauges Part General Common
rules for Rolling Stock and Infrastructure
CEN/TC 256 2023-07-06
prEN 15273-3 Railway applications Gauges Part Infrastructure CEN/TC 256 2023-07-06
prEN 17149-3 Railway applications Strength assessment rail vehicle
structures Part Fatigue strength assessment based on
cumulative damage
CEN/TC 256 2023-06-22
prEN ISO 16000-11 Indoor air Part 11: Determination the emission volatile
organic compounds from building products and furnishing -
Sampling, storage samples and preparation test
specimens (ISO/DIS 16000-11:2023)
CEN/TC 264 2023-06-14
prEN 17127 Outdoor hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous
hydrogen and incorporating filling protocols
CEN/TC 268 2023-06-15
prEN 16986 Electronic fee collection Interoperable application profiles
for information exchange between Service Provision and Toll
CEN/TC 278 2023-05-25
prEN 17952 Value management Function analysis, basic characteristics:
Requirements and guidance for implementation and achieving
CEN/TC 279 2023-06-01
prEN ISO 5832-1 Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part Wrought
stainless steel (ISO/DIS 5832-1:2023)
CEN/TC 285 2023-05-22
prEN ISO 11334-4 Assistive products for walking, manipulated one arm -
Requirements and test methods Part4: Walking sticks with
three more legs (ISO/DIS 11334-4:2023)
CEN/TC 293 2023-05-29
prEN ISO 3262-10 Extenders Specifications and methods test Part 10:
Natural talc/chlorite lamellar form (ISO/DIS 3262-10:2023)
CEN/TC 298 2023-06-01
prEN ISO 3262-11 Extenders Specifications and methods test Part 11:
Natural talc, lamellar form, containing carbonates
(ISO/DIS 3262-11:2023)
CEN/TC 298 2023-06-01
prEN ISO 3262-17 Extenders Specifications and methods test Part 17:
Precipitated calcium silicate (ISO/DIS 3262-17:2023)
CEN/TC 298 2023-06-01
prEN ISO 18473-4 Functional pigments and extenders for special applications -
Part Nanoscale titanium dioxide for photocatalytic
application (ISO 18473-4:2022)
CEN/TC 298 2023-06-15
prEN 14105 Fat and oil derivatives Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) -
Determination free and total glycerol and mono-, di-,
triglyceride contents
CEN/TC 307 2023-06-01
prEN ISO 30024 Animal feeding stuffs Determination phytase activity
(ISO/DIS 30024:2023)
CEN/TC 327 2023-05-25
prEN ISO 18134-2 Solid biofuels Determination moisture content Part 2:
Total moisture Simplified method (ISO/DIS 18134-2:2023)
CEN/TC 335 2023-06-16