Věstník 2/2023
prEN IEC 62056-8-12:2022 Electricity metering data exchange -
The DLMS/COSEM suite Part 8-12:
Communication profile for Low Power Wide Area
Networks (LPWAN)
CLC/TC 2023-03-03
prEN IEC 60938-2-1:2022 Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference
suppression Part 2-1: Blank detail specification -
Inductors for which safety tests are required -
Assessment level D
CLC/TC 40XA 2023-03-03
prEN IEC 62386-306:2022 Digital addressable lighting interface Part 306:
Particular requirements Input devices General
purpose sensor
CLC/TC 2023-03-03
EN IEC 62512:2020/prAB Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use -
Methods measuring the performance
CLC/TC 59X 2023-03-17
prEN IEC 61558-2-23:2022 Safety transformers, reactors, power supply
units and combinations thereof Part 2-23:
Particular requirements and tests for transformers
and power supply units for construction sites
CLC/SR 2023-03-03
EN 62841-4-1:2020/prA1:2022 Amendment Electric motor-operated hand-
held tools, transportable tools and lawn and
garden machinery Safety Part 4-1: Particular
requirements for chain saws
CLC/TC 116 2023-03-17
EN 62841-4-1:2020/prAB Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden
machinery Safety Part 4-1: Particular
requirements for chain saws
CLC/TC 116 2023-03-17
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