Part 10: R.Věstník 2/2023
prEN IEC 61084-2-1:2022/prAA Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
for electrical installations Part 2-1: Particular
requirements Cable trunking systems and cable
ducting systems intended for mounting walls
and ceilings
CLC/TC 213 2023-03-03
prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2022/prAA Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
for electrical installations Part 2-2: Particular
requirements Part 2-2: Particular requirements -
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or
CLC/TC 213 2023-03-03
prEN IEC 61084-2-3:2022/prAA Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
for electrical installations Part 2-3: Particular
requirements Slotted cable trunking systems
intended for installation cabinets
CLC/TC 213 2023-03-03
prEN IEC 61084-2-4:2022/prAA Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
for electrical installations Part 2-4: Particular
requirements Service poles and service posts
CLC/TC 213 2023-03-03
prEN IEC 62282-6-106:2022 Fuel cell technologies Part 6-106: Micro fuel
cell power systems Safety Indirect Class 8
(corrosive) compounds
CLC/SR 105 2023-03-17
prEN IEC 62282-6-107:2022 Fuel cell technologies Part 6-107: Micro fuel cell
power systems Safety Indirect water-reactive
(Division 4.F.12 in) with snap-on coupling -
Characteristic impedance ohms (Type SMB)
CLC/SR 46F 2023-03-24
prEN IEC 60146-1-1:2022 Semiconductor converters General requirements
and line commutated converters Part 1-1:
Specification basic requirements
CLC/TC 22X 2023-03-10
prEN IEC 60674-3-3:2022 Plastic films for electrical purposes Part 3:
Specifications for individual materials Sheet 3:
Polycarbonate (PC) films used for electrical
CLC/SR 2023-02-24
prEN IEC 60674-3-7:2022 Plastic films for electrical purposes Part 3:
Specifications for individual materials Sheet 7:
Fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) films used for
electrical insulation
CLC/SR 2023-02-24
coaxial connectors with inner diameter outer
conductor (0.3) compounds
CLC/SR 105 2023-03-17
prEN IEC 62282-6-101:2022 Fuel cell technologies Part 6-101: Micro fuel cell
power systems Safety General requirements
CLC/SR 105 2023-03-17
prEN IEC 61400-15-1:2022 Wind energy generation systems Part 15-1: Site
suitability input conditions for wind power plants
CLC/TC 2023-02-24
prEN IEC 61300-2-22:2022 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive
components Basic test and measurement
procedures Part 2-22: Tests Change of
CLC/TC 86BXA 2023-02-24
prEN IEC 60393-4:2022 Potentiometers for use electronic equipment -
Part Sectional specification: Single-turn rotary
power potentiometers Methods and guidance
CLC/SR 2023-03-03
prEN 50090-6-3 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)-
Part 6-3 -3rd Party HBES IoT API
CLC/TC 205 2023-03-17
prEN IEC 61400-3-2:2022 Wind energy generation systems Part 3-2: Design
requirements for floating offshore wind turbines
CLC/TC 2023-03-03
EN IEC 62228-5:2021/prA1:2022 Amendment Integrated circuits EMC
evaluation transceivers Part Ethernet
CLC/SR 47A 2023-03-10
prEN IEC 61169-10 Radio-frequency connectors