Body (System 2+) EAD 200050-02-0102
EAD 330001-00-0602
EAD 330046-01-0602
EAD 330047-01-0602
EAD 330080-00-0602
EAD 330153-00-0602
EAD 332229-00-0602
EN 14399-1:2005
EN 14399-1:2015
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (4/4) -
Prefabricated steel and stainless steel wire ropes with end
connectors (for uses structural metallic works).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 340309-00-0305
98/436/EC Roof coverings, rooflights, roof windows and ancillary
products (1/6) Rooflights (for uses subject resistance to
fire regulations (e.
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 330047-01-0602
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (4/4) Hot-rolled
mounting channel (for uses structural metallic works).g. fire compartmentation)). fire
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200001-00-0602
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (4/4) Expanding
Structural Bolting Assemblies for Blind Fastening (for uses in
structural metallic works).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 14963:2006
EN 1873:2005
98/436/EC Roof coverings, rooflights, roof windows and ancillary Testing Laboratory 14509:2013
13 27
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 340309-00-0305
98/279/EC Non load bearing permanent shutterings: kits/systems based
on hollow blocks panels insulating materials and,
sometimes, concrete (1/1) Non load-bearing permanent
shuttering kits/systems, filled with normal concrete and,
where relevant, with reinforcement, based either: hollow
blocks made insulating material (or combination an
insulating material and other materials) (for the construction
of external and internal walls subject fire regulations, in
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 330667-00-0602
98/279/EC Non load bearing permanent shutterings: kits/systems based
on hollow blocks panels insulating materials and,
sometimes, concrete (1/1) Non load-bearing permanent
shuttering kits/systems, filled with normal concrete and,
where relevant, with reinforcement, based either: hollow
blocks made insulating material (or combination an
insulating material and other materials) (for the construction
of external and internal walls subject fire regulations, in
buildings), Non load-bearing permanent shuttering
kits/systems, filled with normal concrete and, where
relevant, with reinforcement, based either: panels made of
an insulating material (or combination insulating
material and other materials), consisting shuttering leaves
linked spacers (for the construction external and internal
walls not subject fire regulations, buildings).R.g.g.
bolts (high strength friction grip bolts), studs, screws, railway
fasteners (for uses structural metallic works).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 1304:2005
EN 492:2012
EN 492:2012+A2:2018
EN 544:2011
98/436/EC Roof coverings, rooflights, roof windows and ancillary
products (2/6) Rooflights (for uses subject reaction to
fire regulations).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 14509:2013
98/436/EC Roof coverings, rooflights, roof windows and ancillary
products (1/6) Roofing tiles, slates, stones and shingles
(for uses subject resistance fire regulations (e.Věstník 2/2022
decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification
connectors: metallic rivets, bolts (nuts and washers) and H.
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 330001-00-0602
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (4/4) Fastening
Screws for Sandwich Panels (for uses structural metallic
fire compartmentation)).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 14963:2006
EN 1873:2005
98/436/EC Roof coverings, rooflights, roof windows and ancillary
products (1/6) Factory-bonded composite sandwich
panels (for uses subject resistance fire regulations (e