FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200089-00-0302
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (2/4) Structural
metallic construction members: finished metal framing for
suspended ceilings (heavy duty).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200020-00-0102
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (3/4) Welding
materials (for uses structural metallic works).Věstník 2/2022
decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification
membranes (1/1) Systems mechanically fastened
flexible roof waterproofing membranes including the system
of fastening, jointing and edging, and sometimes thermal
insulation, limited continuous watertight systems based on
flexible sheets (for roof waterproofing).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200002-00-0602
EAD 200039-00-0102
EAD 200050-02-0102
EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (2/4) Gabion
boxes, mattresses and sack gabions made hexagonal
regular twisted mesh with pre-coated zinc and/or
zinc+organic coating (for uses work's frames and
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200036-00-0103
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (1/4) In-situ
concrete slab permanent joint former (to used metal
structures composite metal and concrete structures). The nailed shear connector can either be
used new buildings for the renovation existing
buildings with the aim increase the bearing capacity of
aged floor constructions).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200033-00-0602
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (1/4) Kit for
micropiles Kit with hollow bars for self-drilling micropiles –
Hollow bars seamless steel tubes (to used metal
structures composite metal and concrete structures).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 210005-00-0505
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (1/4) Structural
metallic sections/profiles: hot rolled, cold formed otherwise
produced sections/profiles with various shapes (T, Z,
I, channels, angle, hollow, tubes), flat products (plate, sheet,
strip), bars, castings, forgings made various metallic
materials, unprotected protected against corrosion by
coating (to used metal structures composite metal
and concrete structures). They can unprotected or
protected against corrosion coating, welded not. (for
uses work's frames).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200019-00-0102
EAD 200050-02-0102
EAD 330667-00-0602
EN 10025-1:2004
EN 10088-4:2009
EN 10088-5:2009
EN 10210-1:2006
EN 10219-1:2006
EN 10340:2007
EN 10340:2007/AC:2008
EN 10343:2009
EN 15048-1:2007
EN 15088:2005
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (1/4) Nailed
shear connector (connexion device between steel and
concrete composite beams and composite decks according
to 1994-1-1. (for uses work's frames and foundations).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200050-01-0102
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (2/4) Weldmesh
gabion boxes and mattresses (for uses work's frames and
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200050-02-0102
EN 13479:2017
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (4/4) Structural FPC Certification EAD 200026-00-0102
12 27
Body (System 2+)
98/213/EC Internal partition kits (1/5) Internal partition kits (for uses
subject reaction fire requirements).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200050-02-0102
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (2/4) Structural
metallic construction members: finished metallic products
such trusses, girders, columns, stairs, ground piles,
bearing piles and sheet piling, cut size sections designed
for certain applications, and rails and sleepers. They can be
unprotected protected against corrosion coating, welded
or not