Věstník 9/2020
prEN ISO 19085-3 Woodworking machines Safety Part 3:
Numerically controlled (NC/CNC) boring and
routing machines (ISO/DIS 19085-3:2020)
CEN/TC 142 2020-10-07
EN 13684:2018/prA1 Garden equipment Pedestrian controlled lawn
aerators and scarifiers Safety
CEN/TC 144 2020-09-24
prEN ISO 20500-2 Mobile road construction machinery Safety -
Part Specific requirements for road-milling
machines (ISO/DIS 20500-2:2020)
CEN/TC 151 2020-10-02
prEN ISO 20500-3 Mobile road construction machinery Safety -
Part Specific requirements for soil-stabilising
machines and recycling machines
(ISO/DIS 20500-3:2020)
CEN/TC 151 2020-10-02
prEN ISO 20500-4 Mobile road construction machinery Safety -
Part Specific requirements for compaction
machines (ISO/DIS 20500-4:2020)
CEN/TC 151 2020-10-02
prEN ISO 20500-5 Mobile road construction machinery Safety -
Part Mobile Specific requirements for paver-
finishers (ISO/DIS 20500-5:2020)
CEN/TC 151 2020-10-02
prEN ISO 20500-6 Mobile road construction machinery Safety -
Part Specific requirements for mobile feeders
(ISO/DIS 20500-6:2020)
CEN/TC 151 2020-10-02
prEN ISO 20500-1 Mobile road construction machinery Safety -
Part Common requirements
(ISO/DIS 20500-1:2020)
CEN/TC 151 2020-10-02
prEN ISO 20500-7 Mobile road construction machinery Safety -
Part Specific requirements for slipform paver
and texture curing machines
(ISO/DIS 20500-7:2020)
CEN/TC 151 2020-10-02
prEN 17537 Food processing machinery Tenderizing
machines Safety and hygiene requirements
CEN/TC 153 2020-09-24
prEN 1455-1 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste
discharge (low and high temperature) within
the building structure Acrylonitrile-butadiene-
styrene (ABS) Part Requirements for pipes,
fittings and the system
CEN/TC 155 2020-10-08
prEN 1566-1 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste
discharge (low and high temperature) within
the building structure Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) Part Requirements for
pipes, fittings and the system
CEN/TC 155 2020-10-08
EN ISO 11296-4:2018/prA1 Plastics piping systems for renovation of
underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage
networks Part Lining with cured-in-place
pipes Amendment Updated definitions,
marking requirements and procedure for
alternative expression flexural test results
(ISO 11296-4:2018/DAM 1:2020)
CEN/TC 155 2020-10-08
prEN 12729 Devices prevent pollution backflow of
potable water Controllable backflow preventer
with reduced pressure zone Family Type A
CEN/TC 164 2020-10-08
prEN 1253-6 Gullies for buildings Part Trapped floor gullies
with depth water seal less than mm
CEN/TC 165 2020-10-01
prEN 1253-7 Gullies for buildings Part Trapped floor gullies
with mechanical closure
CEN/TC 165 2020-10-01
prEN 1253-8 Gullies for buildings Part Trapped floor gullies
with combined mechanical closure and water seal
CEN/TC 165 2020-10-01