ČAS - Věstník 2020-9

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 9/2020 38 prEN 17415-2 District cooling pipes Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried cold water networks - Part Factory made fitting assemblies steel or plastic service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and casing polyethylene CEN/TC 107 2020-10-08 EN ISO 6346:1995/prA4 Freight containers Coding, identification and marking Amendment 4 (ISO 6346:1995/DAM 4:2020) CEN/TC 119 2020-10-14 prEN ISO 9455-9 Soft soldering fluxes Test methods Part 9: Determination ammonia content (ISO/FDIS 9455-9:2020) CEN/TC 121 2020-09-30 prEN ISO 4136 Destructive tests welds metallic materials - Transverse tensile test (ISO/DIS 4136:2020) CEN/TC 121 2020-10-13 prEN ISO 9016 Destructive tests welds metallic materials - Impact tests Test specimen location, notch orientation and examination (ISO/DIS 9016:2020) CEN/TC 121 2020-10-07 prEN ISO 17639 Destructive tests welds metallic materials - Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds (ISO/DIS 17639:2020) CEN/TC 121 2020-10-14 prEN ISO 9454-2 Soft soldering fluxes Classification and requirements Part Performance requirements (ISO/FDIS 9454-2:2020) CEN/TC 121 2020-09-30 prEN ISO 10052 Acoustics Field measurements airborne and impact sound insulation and service equipment sound Survey meth (ISO/DIS 10052:2020) CEN/TC 126 2020-10-20 prEN 544 Bitumen shingles with mineral and/or synthetic reinforcements Product specification and test methods CEN/TC 128 2020-10-08 prEN 14437 Determination the uplift resistance installed clay concrete tiles for roofing Roof system test method CEN/TC 128 2020-09-24 prEN 508-3 Roofing products from metal sheet Specification for self-supporting products steel, aluminium or stainless steel sheet Part Stainless steel CEN/TC 128 2020-10-01 prEN 17539 Modular mechanical locked floor coverings (MMF) Determination geometrical characteristics CEN/TC 134 2020-10-01 EN 13329:2016+A1:2017/prA2 Laminate floor coverings Elements with a surface layer based aminoplastic thermosetting resins Specifications, requirements and test methods CEN/TC 134 2020-10-08 EN 14978:2016/prA1 Laminate floor coverings Elements with acrylic based surface layer, electron beam cured - Specifications, requirements and test methods CEN/TC 134 2020-10-08 EN 15468:2016/prA1 Laminate floor coverings Elements with directly applied printing and resin surface layer - Specifications, requirements and test methods CEN/TC 134 2020-10-08 prEN ISO 23162 Basic semen examination Specification and test methods (ISO/DIS 23162:2020) CEN/TC 140 2020-10-05 prEN ISO 23118 Molecular vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes in metabolomics urine, venous blood serum and plasma (ISO/DIS 23118:2020) CEN/TC 140 2020-10-05 prEN ISO 20166-4 Molecular vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for preexamination processes for formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue Part situ detection techniques (ISO/DIS 20166-4:2020) CEN/TC 140 2020-10-05