ČAS - Věstník 2020-8

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
.Věstník 8/2020 40 prEN ISO 11199-1 Assistive products for walking, manipulated both arms - Requirements and test methods Part Walking frames (ISO/DIS 11199-1:2020) CEN/TC 293 2020-09-03 prEN ISO 11199-2 Assistive products for walking, manipulated both arms - Requirements and test methods Part Rollators (ISO/DIS 11199-1:2020) CEN/TC 293 2020-09-03 prEN 13757-1 Communication systems for meters Part Data exchange CEN/TC 294 2020-08-27 prEN ISO 787-28 General methods tests for pigments and extenders Part 28: Determination total content polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) dissolution, cleanup and GC-MS (ISO 787-28:2019) CEN/TC 298 2020-08-27 prEN ISO 473 Lithopone pigments General requirements and methods of testing (ISO 473:2019) CEN/TC 298 2020-08-27 prEN ISO 748 Hydrometry Measurement liquid flow open channels - Velocity area methods using point velocity measurements (ISO/DIS 748:2020) CEN/TC 318 2020-09-10 prEN 17488 Conservation cultural heritage Procedure for the analytical evaluation and selection cleaning methods for porous inorganic materials used cultural heritage CEN/TC 346 2020-08-27 prEN 16166 Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and sediments Determination of adsorbed organically bound halogens (AOX) CEN/TC 444 2020-09-17 prEN 17516 Waste Characterization granular solids with potential for use construction material Compliance leaching test - Up-flow percolation test CEN/TC 444 2020-09-17 prEN 15936 Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and waste Determination total organic carbon (TOC) dry combustion CEN/TC 444 2020-09-17 prEN 17371-2 Provision services Part Services Contracts Guidance for the design, content and structure contracts CEN/TC 447 2020-09-03 prEN ISO 9094 Small craft Fire protection (ISO/DIS 9094:2020) CEN/TC 464 2020-09-17 prEN 4496 Aerospace series Screw, 100 °countersunk normal head, offset cruciform recess, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 °C ASD-STAN 2020-09-17 prEN 3375-011 Aerospace series Cable, electrical for digital data transmission - Part 011: Single braid Star Quad 100 ohms Light weight - Type Product standard ASD-STAN 2020-09-10 prEN 3660-003 Aerospace series Cable outlet accessories for circular and rectangular electrical and optical connectors Part 003: Grommet nut, style Product standard ASD-STAN 2020-09-10 prEN 3660-004 Aerospace series Cable outlet accessories for circular and rectangular electrical and optical connectors Part 004: Cable outlet, style straight, unsealed with clamp strain relief - Product standard ASD-STAN 2020-09-10 prEN 3660-005 Aerospace series Cable outlet accessories for circular and rectangular electrical and optical connectors Part 005: Cable outlet, style unsealed with clamp strain relief Product standard ASD-STAN 2020-09-10 prEN 3077 Aerospace series Clamps worm drive Technical specification ASD-STAN 2020-08-27 prEN 3838 Aerospace series Requirements and tests user-applied markings aircraft electrical cables ASD-STAN 2020-09-10 prEN 3375-001 Aerospace series Cable, electrical, for digital data transmission - Part 001: Technical specification ASD-STAN 2020-09-10 EN ISO 7010:2020/prA1 Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs Registered safety signs Amendment (ISO 7010:2019/Amd 1:2020) CEN/SS F16 2020-09-03 prEN ISO 26000 Guidance social responsibility (ISO 26000:2010) CEN/SS S29 2020-09-17 prEN 17529 Data protection and privacy design and default CEN/CLC/JTC 2020-09-10 Česká agentura pro standardizaci ředitelka Odboru standardizace Zdeňka Slaná r