ČAS - Věstník 2020-7

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 7/2020 42 EN 13796-3:2017/prA1:2020 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons Carriers Part Fatigue testing CEN/TC 242 2020-08-06 prEN ISO 4674-2 Rubber- plastics-coated fabrics Determination tear resistance Part Ballistic pendulum method (ISO/DIS 4674-2:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-08-10 prEN ISO 5470-2 Rubber- plastics-coated fabrics Determination of abrasion resistance Part Martindale abrader (ISO/DIS 5470-2:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-08-10 prEN ISO 6450 Rubber- plastics-coated fabrics Determination of resistance liquids (ISO/DIS 6450:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-08-10 prEN 17410 Plastics Controlled loop recycling PVC-U profiles from windows and doors CEN/TC 249 2020-08-20 prEN 17508 Plastics Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabrication windows and doors Terminology of PVC based materials CEN/TC 249 2020-08-13 prEN ISO 11357-4 Plastics Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Part 4: Determination specific heat capacity (ISO/DIS 11357-4:2020) CEN/TC 249 2020-07-29 prEN ISO 16929 Plastics Determination the degree disintegration of plastic materials under defined composting conditions in a pilot-scale test (ISO/DIS 16929:2020) CEN/TC 249 2020-08-04 prEN ISO 1463 Metallic and oxide coatings Measurement coating thickness Microscopical method (ISO/DIS 1463:2020) CEN/TC 262 2020-08-07 prEN ISO 4518 Metallic coatings Measurement coating thickness - Profilometric method (ISO/DIS 4518:2020) CEN/TC 262 2020-08-07 EN 13480-5:2017/prA2 Metallic industrial piping Part Inspection and testing CEN/TC 267 2020-08-13 EN 13480-4:2017/prA2 Metallic industrial piping Part Fabrication and installation CEN/TC 267 2020-08-13 EN 13480-2:2017/prA8 Metallic industrial piping Part Materials CEN/TC 267 2020-08-13 prEN 17521 Foodstuffs Determination Alternaria toxins tomato, wheat and sunflower seeds SPE clean-up and HPLC-MS/MS CEN/TC 275 2020-08-20 prEN 15609 LPG equipment and accessories LPG propulsion systems for boats, yachts and other watercraft Installation requirements CEN/TC 286 2020-08-20 prEN 13799 LPG equipment and accessories Contents gauges for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) pressure vessels CEN/TC 286 2020-08-13 EN ISO 19115-2:2019/prA1 Geographic information Metadata Part Extensions for acquisition and processing Amendment 1 (ISO 19115-2:2019/DAM 1:2020) CEN/TC 287 2020-07-30 prEN ISO 19126 Geographic information Feature concept dictionaries and registers (ISO/DIS 19126:2020) CEN/TC 287 2020-08-14 EN ISO 19115-1:2014/prA2 Geographic information Metadata Part Fundamentals - Amendment (ISO 19115-1:2014/DAM 2:2020) CEN/TC 287 2020-08-05 prEN ISO 10360-13 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) - Part 13: Optical CMS (ISO/DIS 10360-13:2020) CEN/TC 290 2020-08-20 prEN ISO 15118-8 Road vehicles Vehicle grid communication interface - Part Physical layer and data link layer requirements for wireless communication (ISO/FDIS 15118-8:2020) CEN/TC 301 2020-08-19 prEN 17348 Requirements for design and testing vacuum cleaners and dust collectors for use potentially explosive atmospheres CEN/TC 305 2020-08-20 prEN ISO 16186 Footwear Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components Determination of dimethyl fumarat (DMFU) footwear materials (ISO/DIS 16186:2020) CEN/TC 309 2020-08-11