ČAS - Věstník 2020-7

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 7/2020 41 prEN 12123 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Ammonium sulfate CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 897 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium carbonate CEN/TC 164 2020-08-13 prEN 16370 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium chloride for site electrochlorination using membrane cells CEN/TC 164 2020-08-13 prEN 14805 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium chloride for site electrochlorination using non-membrane technology CEN/TC 164 2020-08-13 prEN 898 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium hydrogen carbonate CEN/TC 164 2020-08-13 prEN 15796 Chemicals used for treatment swimming pool water - Calcium hypochlorite CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 15028 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium chlorate CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 15482 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium permanganate CEN/TC 164 2020-08-13 prEN 12125 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium thiosulfate CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 12174 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium hexafluorosilicate CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 15031 Chemicals used for treatment swimming pool water - Aluminium based coagulants CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 15030 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Silver salts for intermittent use CEN/TC 164 2020-08-13 prEN 12124 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium sulfite CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 12126 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Liquefied ammonia CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 896 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for human consumption Sodium hydroxide CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 15798 Products used for the treatment swimming pool water - Filter media CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 15799 Products used for treatment swimming pool water - Powdered activated carbon CEN/TC 164 2020-08-20 prEN 12889 Trenchless construction and testing drains and sewers CEN/TC 165 2020-08-06 prEN 12447 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products Screening test method for determining the resistance hydrolysis water CEN/TC 189 2020-08-20 prEN ISO 10365 Adhesives Designation main failure patterns (ISO/DIS 10365:2020) CEN/TC 193 2020-07-29 prEN ISO 22413 Transfer sets for pharmaceutical preparations Requirements and test methods (ISO/DIS 22413:2020) CEN/TC 205 2020-08-19 EN ISO 10819:2013/prA2 Mechanical vibration and shock Hand-arm vibration - Measurement and evaluation the vibration transmissibility of gloves the palm the hand Amendment 2 (ISO 10819:2013/DAM 2:2020) CEN/TC 231 2020-07-28 prEN 17526 Gas meters Thermal-mass flow-meter based gas meter CEN/TC 237 2020-08-20 prEN ISO 20765-5 Natural gas Calculation thermodynamic properties - Part Calculation viscosity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, and isentropic exponent (ISO/DIS 20765-5:2020) CEN/TC 238 2020-08-06 prEN 15339-2 Thermal spraying Safety requirements for thermal spraying equipment Part Gas control units CEN/TC 240 2020-08-20 EN 13796-2:2017/prA1:2020 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons Carriers Part Slipping resistance tests for grips CEN/TC 242 2020-08-06