Věstník 6/2020
prEN ISO 1973
Textile fibres Determination linear density Gravimetric
method and vibroscope method (ISO/DIS 1973:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-07-16
prEN ISO 1833-3
Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part Mixtures
of acetate with certain other fibres (method using acetone)
(ISO/DIS 1833-3:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-07-01
prEN ISO 1833-12
Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 12: Mixtures
of acrylic, certain modacrylics, certain chlorofibres, certain
elastane fibres with certain other fibres (method using
dimethylformamide) (ISO/DIS 1833-12:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-07-07
prEN ISO 1833-18
Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 18: Mixtures
of silk with wool other animal hair (method using sulfuric
acid) (ISO/DIS 1833-18:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-07-01
prEN ISO 1833-26
Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 26: Mixtures
of melamine with certain other fibres (method using hot
formic acid) (ISO/DIS 1833-26:2020) CEN/TC 248 2020-07-07
prEN ISO 1628-1
Plastics Determination the viscosity polymers in
dilute solution using capillary viscometers Part General
principles (ISO/DIS 1628-1:2020) CEN/TC 249 2020-07-02
prEN ISO 27789
Health informatics Audit trails for electronic health records
(ISO/DIS 27789:2020) CEN/TC 251 2020-07-10
prEN ISO 23903
Health Informatics Interoperability and Integration
Reference Architecture Model and Framework
(ISO/DIS 23903:2020) CEN/TC 251 2020-07-10
prEN 17495
Railway Applications Acoustics Determination the
dynamic stiffness elastic track components related noise
and vibration Rail pads and track fastener assemblies CEN/TC 256 2020-07-02
prEN 15085-6
Railway applications Welding railway vehicles and
components Part Maintenance welding requirements CEN/TC 256 2020-07-09
prEN 17427
Packaging Requirements and test scheme for carrier bags
suitable for treatment well-managed home composting
installations CEN/TC 261 2020-07-02
prEN 17428
Packaging Determination the degree disintegration
under simulated home composting conditions CEN/TC 261 2020-07-02
EN 13480-3:2017/prA4 Metallic industrial piping Part Design and calculation CEN/TC 267 2020-07-16
prEN 16119
LPG equipment and accessories Sealing caps and plugs for
LPG cylinder and pressure vessel valves Specification and
testing CEN/TC 286 2020-07-09
prEN ISO 21683
Pigments and extenders Determination experimentally
simulated nano-object release from paints, varnishes and
pigmented plastics (ISO 21683:2019) CEN/TC 298 2020-07-23
prEN 17507
Road Vehicles Portable Emission Measuring Systems
(PEMS) Performance Assessment CEN/TC 301 2020-07-23
prEN ISO 21061
Footwear Chemical tests General principles the
preparation samples (ISO/DIS 21061:2020) CEN/TC 309 2020-06-22
prEN ISO 19957
Footwear Test methods for heels Heel pin holding strength
(ISO/DIS 19957:2020) CEN/TC 309 2020-07-06
prEN 17504
Animal feeding stuffs: Methods sampling and analysis -
Determination gossypol cotton seed and feeding stuff
by LC-MS/MS CEN/TC 327 2020-07-09
prEN 14023
Bitumen and bituminous binders Specification framework
for polymer modified bitumens CEN/TC 336 2020-07-09
prEN 16165
Determination slip resistance pedestrian surfaces -
Methods evaluation CEN/TC 339 2020-07-02
prEN ISO 22282-4
Geotechnical investigation and testing Geohydraulic testing -
Part Pumping tests (ISO/DIS 22282-4:2020) CEN/TC 341 2020-07-14
prEN ISO 21392
Cosmetics Analytical methods Measurement traces
of heavy metals cosmetic finished products using ICP/MS
technique (ISO/DIS 21392:2020) CEN/TC 392 2020-07-22