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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 212 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
C able Ua Contact current Functional test Continuity test Safety extra-low voltage S ele ctio individual rem (tests acco 0751): RInsu-1 Insulating resistance LN-test body R Insulating resistance sec. Finish stop the measurement pressing >, press se>/ ext> for measuring pause and press ese delete the measured value.BENNING BENNING 750 A S ele ctio individual rem (tests acco 0701-0702): RInsu-1 Insulating resistance LN-test body R Insulating resistance sec.. About The testing current can set 200 The limiting values according VDE 0701-0702 or VDE 0751-1 are taken into consideration. "Pass" in a green field and "Fail" red field). C able Patient leakage current Functional test Continuity test 10.-test body R Insulating resistance LN-sec. Menu, VDE 0701-0702 (protection class III) S ele ctio individual rem (tests acco 0701-0702): RInsu-1 Insulating resistance input-test body R Insulating resistance output-test body R Insulating resistance input-output Safety extra-low voltage 10.g. IL Device leakage current P eak Funct. (Class .5 ctive cto esistan ce For measuring, the test cable (probe) connected accessible metal parts the test sample (protection class and the earthing contact the mains plug means the alligator clip (see display!).-test body R Insulating resistance LN-sec. Start measurement by pressing rt>. Attention! Pressing the se> button will stop the measurement.-test body RInsu-3 Insulation test input-output ISalety extra Ua |low voltage Back Setup Meas. 08/ 2012 58 .3 tectio clas III) Protection class III: evices hich are perated safety extra -lo lta nly 30 09:58:43 RInsu-1 Insulation test input-test body RInsu-2 Insulation test outp..> and then rotection C the "Test acc..)", press the button. IC ont Funct. Val. the start menu, select the corresponding . Press measure with reversed polarity..4. During the pause, the test socket will remain live!A Besides the worst measuring result (measured value), the overall result displayed (e.. VDE