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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 213 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
the "Test acc. "Pass" a green field and "Fail" red field).6 Insu Insulating esistance The insulating resistance measured between the active parts and each accessible conductive part including the protective conductor. Test time ||00:00:09 Limit RInsu |l. 08/ 2012 58 . The corresponding nominal and actual values the testing voltage are shown the display.)" menu, selection menu, press the "IPE" button.. Select the desired measurement method ("Diff. VDE .", "Alt. Moreover, measured between the active parts a primary circuit and the active parts the SELV PELV circuit.)", selection menu, press -1>, -2> and/or -3>.g. During the pause, the test socket will remain live! Besides the measuring result (measured value), the overall result displayed (e.0 HQ Testing voltage ||529 DC S top Reset Pause Finish stop the measurement pressing press e>/<N ext> for measuring pause and press ese delete the measured value. The limiting values according VDE 0701-0702 are taken into consideration. A The limiting values according VDE 0701-0702 VDE 0751-1 are taken into consideration. 10.g. (Class .7 ctive rrent The protective conductor current measurement, leakage current measurement carried out by means the differential current measurement method iff", the direct measurement method "D ir. Lim iting valu for the insulating resistance are not specified the DIN VDE 0751-1 standard (issue 2008).. ||>100. Here, possible refer recommendations the manufacturer previously measured values..0 MO RInsu min.." and the differential current mea­ surement method with current clamp lam (DIN VDE 0404-4), corresponds the sum all currents running through the insulation device the protective conductor. Start measurement pressing rt>. In the current issue the DIN VDE 0751-1 standard, the measurement the insulating resistance required, considered convenient. the start menu, select the corresponding VDE regulation and then the protection class. By means the setup program, possible set the testing voltage the device lower values (50-500 DC, beyond the standard), e.0 HO RInsu-1 LN-PE ||>100.", the alternative leakage current measurement method lt. Insulation measurement must not carried out, excluded the accompanying documents according the manufacturer's specifications." "Clamp") and start measurement pressing rt>. (Class . For the differen­ tial current measurement method with current clamp "Clamp", the measured values the current clamp have entered under "Input"! In the start menu, select the corresponding VDE regulation and then the protection class. In the "Test acc. ||>100.", "Dir. test samples are provided with integrated overvoltage ar­ resters.. Accessible conductive parts which are not connected with the protective conductor must be scanned means the probe probe tip (VDE 0701-0702; 0751-1).0 MQ RInsu min.. VDE .BENNING BENNING 750 A 10.O HO RInsu-1 LN-PE ||>100. also measured between the mains supply unit and all patient connections well between patient connections and accessi­ ble conductive parts including the protective earth.0 HO Testing voltage DC S top Reset Pause Test time ¡00:00:06 Limit RInsu ¡2. A Attention! Pressing the se> button will stop the measurement