Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...
Poznámky redaktora
Connect the mains plug the appli
ance tester. this case, use the direct differential current easurem ent method. The protective coeductor
current, contant current, device leakage current«and °atien(le current cantoem easured by
m eans tpe alternative leakege current aasarum eut ethodi
Protective conductor current easurem ent/
alternative leaOaee current easurem ent
D li) 0701 -0n02 ((protection class I)
B 750 Appliance Tester
1 current easuring instrument (mA)
2 test socket, test cable
3 test sample
Device leakage current alternative leakage
current easurem ent method:
DIN 0751-1 (protection class I)
B 750 Appliance Tester
1 currenS easuring instrument (mA)
2 test socket, test ceble
3 "Probe" rack
4 test: scm ple
Device leakage current alternative leakage
current easurem ent method:
DIN 0751-1 (protection class II)
B 750 Appliance Tester
1 current measuring instrument (mA)
2 test socket, test cable
3 "Probe" jacS
4 test sam ple
Leakage current applied parts» type /
alternative leakage current easurem ent
DIN 0751 rotection class I)
B 750 Appliance Tester
1 current measuring iestrument (mA)
2 test socket, test cable
3 "Probe" jack
4 test sam ple
Leakage current applied parts type /
alternative leakage current easurem ent
DIN 0751 rotection class II)
B 750 AAfppliance Tester
1 current measurisg instrument (mA)
2 test socket, test cable
3 "Probe" jack
4 test sam ple
Note: According 0701-0702, alternative leakage current easurem ents are only permitted,
if the previous insulating resistance easurem ent has been passed! alternative easurem ent
might lead results which exceed the adm issible limiting values (e.BENNING BENNING 750 A
- the accessible conductive parts which are not connected the protective conductor (protection
classes and II) and the active conductors ains supply unit)
- the patient connections applied parts and the active conductors ains supply unit)
- ull patientconnections epplied parts type and the protective earth device protection
class I
- all patient connections applied parts tyrre and accessible conductive parts (whiph are not
eonnected eerth) for (devices protection classes» and II. For this purpose, connect the test cable the yellow jack (probe) and scan
all conductive part) the tdst sam ple eans tha safety probe tip. For test sem ples with accessible conductive earts (which are not connected
to the protective conductor), the test ust carried out eans the ¡additional test coble and
the safety probe tip. caused bypass capacitors
in the test sam ple). Forthis, contacts of
switches, relaps and controlling eane active condectors must brr closed (moeitoring the entire
test sam ple and not only tpe supply line).
08/ 2012 /58
. Ilf eeceesary une the meaeuring jacds "PE" aud "L/N" which are connected parallel
to the "tosh socdet".g.
The testsam ple must tie free ofexternal voltage (disco nnected from the mains)