The leakage curren easured projected the nom inal ains voltage (230 V).,. For this reason, altern ative leakage current
m easurem ent ade these cases. 200 AC..
The alternative leakage curren has easured betw een:
the protective cond uctor (accessible etal parts hich are connected the protective
conductor, protection class and the active cond uctors ains supp unit)
Leakage curren applied part, ains voltage
on AP, type direct easurem ent:
DIN 0751-1 (protection class II)
B 750 lia Tester
1 curren easuring instru ent (mA)
2 socket, test cable
3 "Probe" jack
4 sam ple
insulated surface
<2>- G
T t^h2>
jack PE
placed ,. easurem ent ade ith approx... For easure
m ents according DIN 0701-0702, different easuring rran gem ent shall applied than
for easurem ents according DIN 0751-1 (derived from IEC 6060 1-1).)
A direct leakage current easurem ent not alw ays possible, because for this type easure
m ent, the devices either ust placed onto insulated surface they ust connected to
a volta source electrically isolated from earth.3..
Leakage curren applied part, ith on-board
pow supply direct easurem ent:
DIN 0751-1
B 750 lia Tester
1 curren easuring instru ent (mA)
2 socket, test cable
3 "Probe" jack
4 sam ple
insulated surface
10.. corresponding
m easuring rran gem ent ill activated atically depending the preselection (DIN E
0701-0702 0751).3 Leakage Current Measurement Alternative Leakage Current Measurement Method