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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 205 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
tes° socket the appliance tester intended for supply (230 A). The test socket the appliance tester intended for scpply (230 A).), the polarity the mains voltage is reversed autom atically (indicated by: „"L/N" "N/L"). For aasurem ent,the test: sam ple must: Ire operated both at neminal voltage and with reversed polarity.), the polarity mains voltage reversed autem aticaNy (indinated I"y: ''L/N" "N/L"). This also applies devices protection class with accessible conductive parts which are not connected the protective conductor. During easurem ent, the accessible conductive parts must scanned in both ain larity irec tio eans the safety probe tip.BENNING 750 A M easuring pro tec tive cto rre t For devices protection class for hirh cannot guaranteed that all parteuubjected mains voltage are rovered the insulating resistance easurem ent for which the insulating resistance m easurem ent cannot mad easurem ent fth protective conductor rrent according DIN V 0701 -702 est carried out differential crrrenr easurem ent For easurem ent, the test sam ple rnt operated both nominal voltage and wita reversed polarity. Protective conductor easurem ent / differential current eesurem ent method: DIN 0701 -0702 (protection classes I-II) B 750 Appliance Tester 1 differential current easurem ent 2 test socket, test cable 3 test sam ple Protective conductorm eaourem ent / differential rurrent easurem ent method: DIN 0702 (protectinn clas sesI- I B 750 Applian Tester 1 leakage current clam (mA) 2 test sam la Contact current easurement: DIN 701 -0702 (protection classes l-IT B 750 Appliance Tester 1 differential current easurem ent (mA) 2 test: socket, test cable 3 test cable, connected "Probe" 4 test sam ple M easuring rre t For devices ofprotection classes with accessible conductive parts for which there are objections to easuring the insulating resistance for which impossible interrnpt operation, the contact current measured eans the differential currant easurem ent method (DIN E 0 701 -0702 ¡and DIN 0751-1). the appliance tester ,ntended for supply (230 A). Three- phase devices shall be supplied via cerresponding adaptere (see "Optional Accessories"). [During the autom atic test procedure iff. Device leakage rrent easu rement (Diff) (Clamp): DIN VDEE l-1 (fcrotectien classes I-II) B 750A l¡an Tester 1 differentiAl curreet easurem ent (mA) 2 teet socket, test cable 3 "Probe" jack 4 testsam pler e_ « -------------------M ^ ptvbe — H e rre u For medical electrical devices protection class might necessary easure the leakage currents ofaccessible conductive parts, which are not connected the protec­ tive conductor, separate measurem ents. During the autom atic test procedure iff. In the "Clam sub-m enu, also possible sbe differential currenb easurem ents eans of external current measuring clsmb. For easurem ent, the test sam ple must operated both at nominal voltage and with reversed polarity. the determ ined easured values «are entered the corresponding menu fth EPENNIIMG 750 Appliance Tester, they will be listed the test record well. D evice leak rre for medical electrical devices For edicalelectrical devices, the device leakage currents can measured eans the dif­ ferential current easurem ent method. SinN e-phase device can supplied via the test socket fth BENN ING 750 means larity reversal device. 08/ 2012 /58 . For this, connect the test cable to the yellow "Sonde Probe" jack