21 58
By pressing pause button (<Pause> <Next>), possible interru easurem ent that e.g. the determ ined easured value are entered the corresponding menu
(B 750 A), they ill listed the test record well. Finish stop the easurem ent pressing <Stop>. ith leakage curren clam p
BE 9).g.
A tten tion! ressing <Pause> button ill stop easurem ent. easurem ent ade ith ains volta both
positions (L/N N/L) the ains plug pressing <L/N> <N/L>.
can easured eans the follow ing ethods:
differential curren easurem ent Diff
direct curren easurem ent Dir (test sam ple ust placed onto insulated surface!)
altern ative leakage curren easurem ent Alt
differential curren direct curren easurem ent Clamp (e. The easurem ent ade ith ains lt
age both positions (L/N N/L) the ains plug.BENNING A
Insulating resistance lnsu:
DIN 0751-1 (protection classes l-ll) /
A type F
BEN 750 lia Tester
1 ohm eter (MQ)
2 gene rator 500V)
3 "Probe" jack
4 sam ple
5 socket
10. corresponding easuring rran gem ent ill be
activated auto atically depending the preselection (DIN 0701 -0702 0751). uring pause,
th ill rem ain live!
10. elete the easured value by
pressing <Reset>.1 Leakage Current Measurement Differential Current Measurement Method (Diff) I
A grea adva ntage the differential curren easurem ent ethod the device (test sam ple)
does not have placed onto insulated surface.3 Leakage Current Measurement
D epending the devices (test sam ples), leakage currents
lPE protective cond uctor current, lCont contact current,
lLeak device leakage current, PLeak patient leakage curren etc.
the cable ith the lliga tor clip can connected another easuring point itho resulting
in incorrect easurem ents indications.
T hree -phase devices shall supplied via corresponding adap ters (see chap ter ptio nal
A cce ssories"). For easurem ents according DIN VDE
0701-0702, diffe rent easuring rran gem ent shall applied than easurem ents according
to DIN 0751-1 (derived fro IEC 60601-1). ing le-phase devices can supplied via the test socket