onn ect the ains plug the
test socket the appliance tester.
T easurem ent ade ith ains volta both positions (L/N N/L) the ains plug.BENNING
10.2 Leakage Current Measurement Direct Current Measurement Method (Dir)
A direct easurem ent the leakage curren only possible, the device (test sam ple) placed
o insulated surfa and leaka rre easured rth earthed
m ains (e.
D irect curren easurem ent ade ith the easuring rran gem ent betw een:
the protective cond uctor (accessible etal parts hich are connected the protective
conductor, protection class and earth
the acce ssible conductive parts hich are not connected the protective cond uctor (protection
classes and II) and earth
the patient conn ections applied parts and earth
all patient conn ections applied parts type and earth devices protection class (for
m easurem ent ith separated protective conductor)
all patient conn ections applied parts type and acce ssible cond uctive parts hich are not
connected earth) for devices protection classes and II. easuring quipm ent protective cond uctor line). necessary, connect
a second cable the jack!
PE Protective cond uctor easurem ent direct
m easurem ent:
DIN 0701 -0702 (protection class I)
BE 750 ppliance Tester
1 curren easuring instru ent (mA)
2 socket, test cable
3 sam ple
08/ 2012
.g. For this purpose, conn ect the test cable the yello (probe) and
scan all cond uctive parts the test sam ple eans the safety probe tip. For sam les ith acce ssible conductive parts hich are not
connected the protective conductor), the test ust carried out eans the additional test
cable and the safety probe tip.
For this, contacts itches, relays and controlling eans active cond uctors ust closed
(m onitoring the entire sam ple and not only the supply line). For
m easurem ents according DIN 0701-0702, diffe rent easuring rran gem ent shall ap
plied than for easurem ents according DIN 0751-1 (derived fro IEC 60601-1).3. cor
responding easuring rran gem ent ill activated auto atically depending the preselection
(DIN 0701-0702 0751)