ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 528 z 660

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Poznámky redaktora
second- last -1) Events Log 01 Jan 10, 2004 08:52:11:733 O Vaux On 1 15.'.4..1.5. shows the latest trips which L Protection can still selected.4 easurem ents This menu for showing the following measurements: I Max Maximum current P Max Maximum active power P Mean Mean active power U Max Max line voltage (phase-to-phase) U Min Min line voltage (phase-to-phase) Reset Reset measurements 15. You can access said page selecting Trips via the path Measurements Historicals / Trips.02xPnphase) the value not displayed, but replaced .1. Model L2234 Apparatus Scale L2778 Doc..2 rip s The following example page showing the latest trip. 2 Page No.1..5.Peak factor Peak value/rms value available self-supply mode M s fre cy 50-60Hz Measured value available self-supply mode Contact wear Percentage contact wear W aveform Current I1/I2/I3/Ne Refresh Harmonics Voltage 12/23/31 Refresh Harmonics 1 enu 1 ric ls Measures 1/7 Power factor Energy Trip, measures, I A whole range measurements accessible from the "Measurements/Historicals" menu.g. No.. For phase power under (0. You can access said page selecting Events via the path Measurements / Historicals Events.4.5.3 Events The following table shows typical page concerning the latest events Log.5 Power factor Power factor -- Measured Cos^ The unit provides the measurement the global power factor. Meter: indicates "Last" and measures the previous ones according -1, -80 progression (e. 65,535) the date Jan 06, 2004 08:52:11:733w the latest trips reset.1.0 Time (in hours and minutes) when opened 15.. 117/158 ..5. I1: 625 I3: 623 A I2: 617 Ne: 10.4.. 15. Last Trip ----- Meter: counts progressively .4. The page shows the values for the type protection that has been tripped the example)