ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 527 z 660

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Poznámky redaktora
7 PR120/V connected the bottom terminals PR120/V connected the top terminals can set when Enabling set ON can set when Enabling set ON (1) Valid for PR123 only 1 enu le For the sake simplicity, the table refers the Measurements menu already provided the PR123/P, which also applicable for the PR122/P fitted with PR120/V module.1. 116/158 .01 Voltage transformer set "Present" For voltages above 690V, see par. 15. No.1.95 step 0.Continues from previous page (1) Valid for PR123 only 15.2 Table subm enus for the PR120/V odule This menu accessible using the path "Settings/Modules/ PR120/V module" Parameter Function Values Notes Rated Voltage 100 V-115 V-120 V-190 V 208 V-220 V-230 V-240 V 277 V-347 V-380 V-400 V 415 V-440 V-480 V-500 V 550 V-600 V-660 V-690 V Voltage transformer set "Absent" For voltages below 690V Prim ary Voltage 100 V-115 V-120 V-190 V 208 V-220 V-230 V-240 V 277 V-347 V-380 V-400 V 415 V-440 V-480 V-500 V 550 V-600 V-660 V-690 V 910 V-950 V-1000 V-1150 V Secondary voltage 100 V-110 V-115 V-120 V 200 V-230 V Power Bottom Top flo Top Bottom Signals111 Phase sequence Enabling status ON/OFF Threshold 123/321 Cos 9 Enabling status ON/OFF Threshold from 0.5 0. Parameter Function Values Notes H istoricals Trips List trips Events Measurements Maximum current Maximum active power Mean active power Maximum voltage Minimum voltage Reset measurements Mean power Events log P measured cos 9 factor available self-supply mode Energy Energy meters Reset meters Model L2234 Apparatus Scale L 2778 Doc.5. 2 Page No