Poznámky redaktora
Warning Led (yellow 2Hz) •ALARM threshold relay's internal temperature exceeded.
Error message Description Notes
1A Contact wear Alarm for contact wear Contact wear 100%
[a (TRIP OFF) Alarm for protection G
|2 Alarm Alarm for protection Temperature outside range
[a (TRIP OFF) Alarm for protection T
1A Alarm Alarm for protection Protection delay counting down
1A Alarm Alarm for protection UV
1A Alarm Alarm for protection OV
[a Alarm Alarm for protection RP
[a Load LC1 Alarm for load control LC1
[a Load LC2 Alarm for load control LC2
[a Sensor Alarm for phase current sensor Phase sensor disconnected faulty
IA Sensor Alarm for phase current sensor Phase sensor disconnected faulty
|a disconnected Trip Coil disconnected faulty
IA Rating Plug Rating Plug Error absent faulty
Invalid date Clock information lost
CB status status error Probable error Q26 and/or Q27
[a Installation Key plug error
[a not defined State ofcircuit-breakerinconsistent (Open/Close Probable error Q26 and/or Q27
Model 3447
A pparatus Emax DC
S cale
D 1SDH000635R0002
Page No..05xIfl ;
• Presence, between two polarity, unbalance above the value programmed for the "U" protection,
with protection trip disabled;
• Contact wear greater than 80% (and less than 100%);
•WARNING Threshold exceeded;w 1
• Circuit-breaker state error;
• Configuration error;
• Settings inconsistency.
Alarm (red) led
• Presence current values >1.
13.6.05 1.
Warning Led (yellow 0..
Pressing the Test" key enables you reset the activated contacts.6 efinition and 123/D unit
13..6.2 Electrical signals
K51/p1.3 Table error and warning messages
All the messages which can shown the display relating incorrect configurations, generic alarms deriving from the protection functions
and linked useful information are described below.3 (timing protection “L”)*;
• Timing progress for protection function S;
• Timing progress for protection function G;
• Timing progress for the voltage (UV, OV) protection functions;
• Timing progress for the reverse active power protection function (RP);
• Timing the case unbalance between the phases (protection above the value set the configuration
with protection trip set on;
• Contact wear 100%;
• Rating Plug disconnected;
• Trip Coil (TC) disconnected;
• Key plug error;
• Current sensors disconnected;
• Installation error.p8 Programmable electrical signals the PR021/K unit installed and there auxiliary power supply.5Hz) •WARNING threshold relay's internal temperature exceeded.3 I1.
74/1 08
.6.1 Optical signals
Signalling Description
Warning (yellow) led
•T prealarm threshold has been exceeded; with current values the range 0.p4 Programmable electrical signals the PR120/K module the PR021/K unit are installed and there auxiliary power supply.
13.9x^< 1.
The following symbols the warning signals have the following meanings:
IA Warning signal Protection alarm mode, with trip (trip=off)
|S Protection alarm mode, with trip end delay (trip=on)
= Information, action, except for displaying the relay.13.
* The IEC 60947-2 Standard defines the timing threshold for current: 1