case ere sugg estions pro not lead solution fth roblem please the assistance service.
7 The display not back-lit Voltages below the
limit for lighting the display
Model 3447
A pparatus Emax DC
S cale
D oc-N 1SDH000635R0002
Page No. Contact wear Contact wear prealarm Contact wear 80%
L®.g. Curve too high
2. Curve I2t inserted
1.9. Exclude not necessary
3 Trip times higher than expected Threshold too high
2. Before consu lting the follow ing table, any error essages appearing som con the display.4 Error messages displayed pop-up windows
All the messages that appear the display pop-up window are described below. Situation Possible causes Suggestions
1 The trip test cannot run The busbar current 0
2. Check the messages the display
2 Trip times lower than expected Threshold too low
2. prealarm Protection prealarm
L®. The not connected
1.2. FN, see 13. Warning threshold exceeded
3. The SdZ inserted
1. indicates norm ratio fth 123/DC .Error message Description Notes
[a Local Bus Local Bus error See par.7 tin 123/D unit
The following table lists series typical service conditions, help you understand and solve hypothetical faults malfunctions.
2. Thermal memory enabled
4. Correct curve
3. Timing Timing protection G
|S Timing Timing protection U
|S Timing Timing protection UV
|S Timing Timing protection OV
|S Timing Timing protection RP
13. prealarm Protection prealarm
L*. Exclude not necessary
4.6.2. Timing Timing protection L
L?_ Timing Timing protection S
[2 Timing Timing protection S2
L?. Exclude not necessary
4 Rapid trip, with I3=Off Iinst tripped with short-circuit with high I
5 High earth but trip happens Function prevented with I>4In FN
6 Display off Vaux missing and the voltage
is below the minimum value. Correct threshold
2. FN
2. Temperature out range
1. Correct threshold
2. FN, see 13. 13. Correct curve
3. Curve too low
1*. timer-controlled delay still elapsing)
[a Value outside range Value beyond the established limits
[a Failed 1001/2001 Incongruence between thresholds protections and (SET1/SET2)
[a Failed 1002/2002 Incongruence between thresholds protections and (SET1/SET2)
[a Failed 1003/2003 Incongruence between thresholds protections and (SET1/SET2)
[a Failed 1004/2004 Incongruence between thresholds protections and (SET1/SET2)
[a Failed 3001 Inconsistency language change
[a Exception Control temporarily unavailable
[a Unavailable Function temporarily unavailable
Invalid date Date has not been set
Parameters revised Programming session concluded correctly
Cancelled Programming session cancelled
[a Failed Programming session rejected
N ote:
Error message Description
[a Password error
[a Session impossible programming session cannot started due contingency (e.