Poznámky redaktora
Model L3447
A pparatus Emax DC
S cale
D oc.
Every operational requirement now met thanks the different performance levels the new relays and the additional odules that can
be fitted inside them (PR120/V, PR120/LV, PR120/K, PR120/D-M, PR120/D-BT).
A table can best illustrate the technical features and the mix and atchability the relays.11.
The new protection releases integrate all the functions their predecessors, adding new and interesting technical features that are useful for
satisfying every current and future system installation need. with internal PR120/D-BT module
2.Testbus S
Compatibility with PR010/T S
Dual setting S
PR120/V Measuring (internal voltages module) <2> (2>
PR120/LV Measuring (internal voltages module) <2> (2>
PR120/K Signalling (internal signalling module) O
PR120/D-M Com (internal communication module) O
PR120/DC (override protection module) S
PR021/K (separate signalling unit) O
HMI030 (separate graphics interface) O
PR030/B (separate power supply unit) S
BT030 (separate Bluetooth communication unit) O
S standard function/unit,
O optional function/unit,
- function/unit unavailable.
1.Na 1SDH000635R0002
Page No. PR120/V PR120/LV for standard (see section 14.
.Pocket S
Compatibility with SD.
F tio PR122/DC PR123/DC
Current protections (L, S
Current protections S
Additional protections (U) S
Voltage protections (UV, OV, RP) S
Other protections (S2) S
Temperature protection (OT) S
MCR protection S
Thermal memory S
Local bus for separate auxiliary units S
Wire communication (RS485) S
Data Logger S
Compatibility with SD. Protection releases General notes
The Emax series ABB air circuit-breakers now has new range electronic releases for applications called PR122/DC and PR123/DC