ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 185 z 660

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Poznámky redaktora
Three supplies (generators transformers) the same busbar for which parallel operation is not allowed only one the three circuit-breakers can be closed 10.3 parts The spare parts available are: - Shields and front escutcheon plate - Opening solenoid for the PR122/DC-PR123/DC overcurrent release - Arcing chamber - Closing springs - Clamp-type isolating contact for fixed part the withdrawable circuit-breaker - Sliding earth contact (for withdrawable version) - Fixed part shutters - Operating mechanism - Transparent protection for PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases - SACE PR030/B power supply unit - Tool case - Front escutcheon plate for Ronis-type key lock For further details, ask for the ABB SACE spare parts catalogue. The latter can closed only the first and third are open C THREE unit supplies and bus-tie. 27/108 . Model 3447 Apparatus Emax cale D oc-N 1SDH000635R0002 Page No.Table feasible mechanical interlocks between two three circuit-breakers Type of interlocks Number of circuit-breakers Type circuit-breaker Possible interlocks A TWO normal power supply unit and emergency unit the first circuit-breaker can closed only if the second (emergency) breaker open B THREE two normal power supply units and an emergency unit the first and third circuit-breakers can be closed only the second (emergency) breaker open. The two half-busbars can supplied by single transformer (bus-tie closed) or simultaneously both (bus-tie open) one two circuit-breakers out three can be closed the same time D THREE unit supplies single closed circuit-breaker