ABB Softstartéry - opravy, náhradní díly (EN)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
. ♦Discharge the tools and yourselfby touching earth..MCC95 3,0 3,0 1 SKKT132. ♦Remove the front cover.... ♦Disconnect the voltage from terminals 1L1, 3L2, and 5L3 (main supply).... ♦Mount the front cover. ♦Disconnect all cable from the terminals. ♦Mount the new thyristors (Use the torque the table). ♦Clean the contact surface the heat sink and modules with Ethanol. ♦Disconnect the thyristors. ♦Connect the voltage and the other cable.SKKT330 MCC225.Step step..MCC312 3,0 9,0 3 SKKT500 MCC500 3,0Nm 12,0 4 -. ♦Mount the electrical connection the thyristors. Ready for start!! Picture Picture Picture Picture 4 Semikron Thyristor IXYS Mounting torque Terminal connection torque Picture SKKT27.. Use lint-free cloth (paper linen cloth) ♦A very thin layer ofheat transfer compound shall put the contact surfaces of the modules with lint-free cloth.SKKT92 MCC26.SKKT172 MCC132.MCC162 3,0 5,0 2 SKKT210. Too much compound between module and heat sink will give bad thermal conduction and cause risk overheating the thyristors.. ♦Disconnect the electrical connection the thyristors.