ABB Softstartéry - opravy, náhradní díly (EN)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
72 PST30.142 PST85.. -.Check List for changing Thyristor modules.300 PST175. Tools PSS18... Please note! The life span electronics can affected damage caused by electrostatic discharge... Torx T25 Torx T25 Torx T25 Torx T25 Thyristor terminal connection. equally important to discharge the package with the new component before opening it.. A person walking carpet able charged with fifteen thousand volt (15000V)...142 PSS175. Therefore very important that all tools and personnel are discharged touching earthed point before the printed circuit board any ofthe components are touched. Avoid touching the contact surfaces... kindly ask you pay notice this this vital point in order ensure the life span ofthe product.72 PSS85.. Compare this with the fact that some sensitive components can destroyed when discharged much lower level (about 100V).300 Cover Screwdriver Torx T15 Torx T20 Torx T20 Thyristor mounting. Pozidrive Pozidrive Pozidrive Hexagon key 13 Hexagon key 13 Hexagon key 16 Handling Modules and heat sinks are handled carefully avoid scratches and other marks.. This can happen component touched a charged tool person