ABB Softstartéry - opravy, náhradní díly (EN)

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 71 z 79

Poznámky redaktora
23. Mount the LV-Board with the six screws. 22. Mount the cables from the thermal switch and current transformers the LV-Board. White side PST Black side -. Mount the new HV-Board with the five screws. On PSTB units, reconnect the cables from the built by-pass contactor. careful avoid damage the pins. 20. careful how you connect the Red (L) and Brown (N) cable. 21. Be careful how you connect the cables from the current transformers (correct phase sequence). Mount the cables from the Display and the Keypad the LV-Board (new old). careful how you connect the cables from the thyristors.19. 24. Mount the connector. Mount the cables from the thyristors and fans the HV-Board