ABB Jednotka řízení záskoku Návod k instalaci a provozu (4)

| Kategorie: Návody k obsluze Montážní návody  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 93 z 185

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Poznámky redaktora
. Therefore, hen norm line pow lost, the ATS cannot open the norm line breaker til the emergency line powered... W hen pow returns reverts back norm line operation the same anner as in Strategy 1. V-N ok CB-N on T1 GE Start T2 --------------1----------------------- T3 V-E ok CB-E on T5 1 T4 = 1 .. Therefore, the ATS010 aits delay elapse, then starts the gen set, waits u til the emergency line has been pow ered least set tim T5, and then does check hether the delay has elapsed and fin lly makes the switch.. 1— LOAD off Exam ple tim diagram, strategy operation T1 CB-N on T2 T3 GE Start V-E ok CB-E on ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467 /48 ....V-N ok Exam ple tim diagram, strategy operation W hen the ATS010 operating under Strategy cannot open close the circu it breakers unless one the lines (norm emergency) powered (these line voltages are also used the breaker otor operators control coils)