Poznámky redaktora
This allow the gen set cool before shut down. Therefore, hen
a pow outage detected the norm line, ATS010 aits tim delay and then
opens the norm line irc breaker hether not the emergency line is
ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467 /48
. This allow the norm line voltage to
stabilize before itching back norm power.
T5 elay after the gen set started the voltage stabilize.
In Strategy after detecting the gen set power, the ATS010 aits tim e
T5 before closing circu breaker CB-E.
A fte pow outage detected the norm line, the gen set started after tim e
delay T2.
In Strategy since the irc breakers cannot used ith usable
voltage, the 010 aits tim before opening circu breaker B-
N However, the delay fro net anom aly detection has not elapsed,
before opening irc breaker the ATS010 aits til delay has
run out (see the llo diagrams). Setting range: 254s. Setting
range: 32s.
T4 betw een net and onset reverse itc g
Note: Strategy the delay opening fixed set T1, and does not
depend emergency lin voltage: since the breaker can opened and closed
independently the gen set, the ATS010 always opens after set delay T1
has elapsed fro the ent the pow ilu was detected. Then, hen the emergency line has been powered tim T5, the ATS010
closes the emergency line ircu breaker (CB-E).elay between return net pow and gen set shut-down. Setting range:
0 254s. Once the generator has been started and the emergency
line pow detected, the ATS010 aits this ount tim before
considering this voltage ready use.
Once the norm line pow returns, the ATS010 waits tim delay T4, then switches
back norm line, opening and closing The gen set shut dow after
a rthe delay T3.
W hen the ATS010 operating under Strategy possible open/close circu it
breakers even hen neither line (norm emergency) powered.
Tim delay diagrams
The llo diagrams provide sim plified explanation the effects the ATS010
delays hen the itching enabled