ABB Jednotka řízení záskoku Návod k instalaci a provozu (4)

| Kategorie: Návody k obsluze Montážní návody  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 91 z 185

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Poznámky redaktora
T2 elay between net anom aly detection and gen set start up. Setting range: 32s. In Strategy the ove rall delay before the breaker opens can longer than T1, because the ATS010 ust the gen set start before opening/closing the breakers (see diagrams the llo pages). The trim settings can ith the llo ranges: M voltage: fro rated voltage M axim voltage: fro +5% +30% rated voltage Transfer itch delay configuration Î 5 ^ « - C8-E CLOSE 0 Î 4 ^ » - BACK NORMAL ™ UNE OK Î GEN-SET STOP Î 2 32» • GEN-SET START T i _ s - OPEN ^ 0 T1 elay between net anom aly detection and opening line circu it breaker. This avoids unw anted itching a result rie voltage drops. ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467 /48 .Setting and axim voltage thresholds Í-f % UnMAX +5% . The fixe axim threshold +5% and the fixed inim um threshold the rated voltage.-3 % I UnMIN The and axim voltage thresholds are set using the trim ers set on the side the device. the previous delay this avoids unwanted start-ups as a result voltage drops. Setting range: 0 32s