ABB Jednotka řízení záskoku Návod k instalaci a provozu (4)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 109 z 185

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Poznámky redaktora
To turn offthe LED, after returning the circuit breakers the connected position, reboot the unit turning the power off and again (if in manual mode) run Reset (ifin UTOMATIC mode).For each circuit breaker, the Withdrawn LED goes when circuit breaker withdrawn. ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467. The red trip LEDfor each goes during the trip test. □ Set gen set anual mode and then automatic. The green Emergency Line LED goes on, indicating that the emergency line powered. □ itch the fro selector Gen-Set Start. Power supplied the gen set. □ itch selector ergency ON. The gen set Alarm LED goes when there generator alarm and goes offagain when the alarm removed. □ gen set arranged, trip the gen set alarm signal and then return to norm conditions. □ eturn fro selector Gen-Set Start. The Start LED goes on, indicating that the ATS010 sending the gen set the start signal. □ present plant, activate the gen set itching signal and deactivate it again. □ irc breakers ith protection relays itch pow supply the CB m otor operators control coils, and then run trip test each irc breaker. The emergency line circuit breaker LED turns red signaling that it is closed. The “Not Enabled”LED goes when switching disabled and goes off again when enabled. The ONLED goes off. The circuit breaker connecting the power supply the emergency line opens. The “Not Auto ”LED goes when the gen set manual mode and goes offwhen automatic mode. The circuit breaker connecting the power supply the emergency line closes. To turn offthe LED, after resetting the CB, reboot the unit turning the power off and again (if manual mode) run Reset (if in AUTOMATIC mode). The gen set starts and begins supplying power the emergency line (depending the characteristics your plant, the amount time requiredfor this may vary)