ZPA Převodníky snímačů teploty

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Katalogové listy a montážní návody. Převodníky snímačů teploty ZPA - přizpůsobují a zesilují signál- unifikují analogový elektrický signál (napěťový 0-10V, proudový 0-20mA, 4-20mA -analogová proudová smyčka - atd.) ze senzoru - korigují nežádoucí vlastnosti - nelinearita, odstup signál-šum apod.- převádí analogový signál na digitální (RS-232, RS-485 apod.).

Vydal: ZPA Nová Paka, a.s. Autor: ZPA NP

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Poznámky redaktora
The output signal u tomcterv Selection xntot mcasurement prcccti industry.com prosinec 2010 © ZPA Nová Paka, a. Sweden This equipment protective *)Stctn and any acceptable variation there specified the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to.taminjtion Certificate Number: ATE 13501IX Equipment: Adjustable head Temperature trantmitrer, APAQ-HRFX/ APAQ-1ICFX Minufi:iuter: lis Process AB Addre»: Dos 9125. Cotifiguratbn donr snldrr jumpen and _ type.r0 But5(4 lk wrwv wmunt Mnrn« •«jacKfio;; In .: spojovatel: 493 761 111 fax: 493 721 194 e-mail: obchod@zpanp. The input iscither rrststance c standard 4-20 mA.NÁVOD VÝROBKU APAQ-HRF/-HRFXa APAQ-HCF/-HCFX EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE Equipment Prolectire System ¡mended Tor ute ia Potentially iplvti't Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC EC-Type F. Pražská 470 509 Nová Paka tel. 220 nF (16] Report No. Further requirements the Directive apply the manufacturing process and supply this equipment protective system.7 W : pH C, nF Output terminals (tensor terminals and 3) U.II IMdtm I letlev. [12] The marking tl>e equipment pioecciive system shall include the following: ® EEx IIB T4/T5/T6 On behalfo International Demko A/S _V<íímiTrTm!t. 2003-07 0 Schedule EC-TYPE EXAM INATION CERTIFICATE No. U International Demko A/S. ZPA N i 0539 ZPA Nová Paka, s. APAQ-HRFX fot PT10D inpit and APAQ-HCFX for Thermocntiple inp«t Temperature range Ambient temperature range -ÍO*Cto*a5*C -40*Cto«55*C -40*Cto *40 *C Temperature class T4 TS Fleet iiil data Intrinsicallysale specifications: The equipment mu* electricallyconnected (terminal and via certified isolatinginterface/ terserhtrrier havingdouble leinfocied insulation and shall pJarnl nuiuile the hazardousarea. U, 30V 1, 100 mA P, 0. Finc-tuninc ípm sikI eetv tnadc widi potcniionseters The transmitter made for rrounting standard heid and iatcnded mounted hazardoui area. SE-200 Malmis.i lH miner wl Underwriters L Laboratories Inc. notified bod> number 0J3? accordance «nth Article the Council Dirccnvc 94/9/EC March 1991. certifies that this equipment protective system has been found comply with the Fjucntial Health and Safety Requirement* relating design and conttruction equipment and proiecti\e iy»ietm intended for us* potentially cxplusi»c atmoiphcrcs given Annex (he Directive. Další informace www. hc*e arc not covered the certificate. 135011 |9) Compliance with rhc hucntial Health and Safety Requirements lias been assured compliance with: EN 50014: 1997 incl. •nded forwmperanirr rvoltage >c. mH C.A 50020: 2002 50254: 1999 E [10] the sign "X* iaplaced after the ccetificaic number, indicates that the equipment protective lyjtem subject special condition* (nr cafe utr specified the schedule thia ccttificatc.i.s. Project Keport No. I. mraairing range and mcaHitirtgstattingpoint (retu) iatnadc with jumpcsi. The trammitter ispowered vnth intrintie *aír powcr tuppiv unit, whieh mounted outside the hwatdouc area.zpanp. The tot results are recorded confidential report no.cz 2 2 www. [11] Thia EC-Type examination ccrtiiicatc relates only the design, examination and tests the specified equipment protective system accordance the Directive 94/9/EC. 135011-01 UL International Demko A/S L.íksc;ř'”J" Certification Manager UL International Demko A/S Li*M*»3. W L. V I, 100 mA P.inor.cz bankovní spojení: CSOB HK číslo účtu: 271 992 523/0300 iO: )IC:DIC: CZ46504826 . DEMKO ATEX 13501IX Al’AQ HKFX/ APAQ-HCFX afamily 2-v