ZPA Převodníky snímačů teploty

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Katalogové listy a montážní návody. Převodníky snímačů teploty ZPA - přizpůsobují a zesilují signál- unifikují analogový elektrický signál (napěťový 0-10V, proudový 0-20mA, 4-20mA -analogová proudová smyčka - atd.) ze senzoru - korigují nežádoucí vlastnosti - nelinearita, odstup signál-šum apod.- převádí analogový signál na digitální (RS-232, RS-485 apod.).

Vydal: ZPA Nová Paka, a.s. Autor: ZPA NP

Strana 9 z 117

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Poznámky redaktora
r0 But5(4 lk wrwv wmunt Mnrn« •«jacKfio;; In . Sweden This equipment protective *)Stctn and any acceptable variation there specified the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to. Further requirements the Directive apply the manufacturing process and supply this equipment protective system. The tot results are recorded confidential report no. APAQ-HRFX fot PT10D inpit and APAQ-HCFX for Thermocntiple inp«t Temperature range Ambient temperature range -ÍO*Cto*a5*C -40*Cto«55*C -40*Cto *40 *C Temperature class T4 TS Fleet iiil data Intrinsicallysale specifications: The equipment mu* electricallyconnected (terminal and via certified isolatinginterface/ terserhtrrier havingdouble leinfocied insulation and shall pJarnl nuiuile the hazardousarea. [11] Thia EC-Type examination ccrtiiicatc relates only the design, examination and tests the specified equipment protective system accordance the Directive 94/9/EC.cz 2 2 www. hc*e arc not covered the certificate. 135011 |9) Compliance with rhc hucntial Health and Safety Requirements lias been assured compliance with: EN 50014: 1997 incl. certifies that this equipment protective system has been found comply with the Fjucntial Health and Safety Requirement* relating design and conttruction equipment and proiecti\e iy»ietm intended for us* potentially cxplusi»c atmoiphcrcs given Annex (he Directive. Další informace www.: spojovatel: 493 761 111 fax: 493 721 194 e-mail: obchod@zpanp. notified bod> number 0J3? accordance «nth Article the Council Dirccnvc 94/9/EC March 1991.cz bankovní spojení: CSOB HK číslo účtu: 271 992 523/0300 iO: )IC:DIC: CZ46504826 . [12] The marking tl>e equipment pioecciive system shall include the following: ® EEx IIB T4/T5/T6 On behalfo International Demko A/S _V<íímiTrTm!t. W L.i lH miner wl Underwriters L Laboratories Inc. U, 30V 1, 100 mA P, 0. 2003-07 0 Schedule EC-TYPE EXAM INATION CERTIFICATE No.7 W : pH C, nF Output terminals (tensor terminals and 3) U. ZPA N i 0539 ZPA Nová Paka, s. The trammitter ispowered vnth intrintie *aír powcr tuppiv unit, whieh mounted outside the hwatdouc area. Finc-tuninc ípm sikI eetv tnadc widi potcniionseters The transmitter made for rrounting standard heid and iatcnded mounted hazardoui area. DEMKO ATEX 13501IX Al’AQ HKFX/ APAQ-HCFX afamily 2-v. The input iscither rrststance c standard 4-20 mA.II IMdtm I letlev. Cotifiguratbn donr snldrr jumpen and _ type. 135011-01 UL International Demko A/S L.i. •nded forwmperanirr rvoltage >c.inor. mH C. V I, 100 mA P.íksc;ř'”J" Certification Manager UL International Demko A/S Li*M*»3. I. U International Demko A/S.taminjtion Certificate Number: ATE 13501IX Equipment: Adjustable head Temperature trantmitrer, APAQ-HRFX/ APAQ-1ICFX Minufi:iuter: lis Process AB Addre»: Dos 9125. Pražská 470 509 Nová Paka tel.s.NÁVOD VÝROBKU APAQ-HRF/-HRFXa APAQ-HCF/-HCFX EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE Equipment Prolectire System ¡mended Tor ute ia Potentially iplvti't Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC EC-Type F.zpanp.com prosinec 2010 © ZPA Nová Paka, a. mraairing range and mcaHitirtgstattingpoint (retu) iatnadc with jumpcsi. SE-200 Malmis. The output signal u tomcterv Selection xntot mcasurement prcccti industry. Project Keport No. 220 nF (16] Report No.A 50020: 2002 50254: 1999 E [10] the sign "X* iaplaced after the ccetificaic number, indicates that the equipment protective lyjtem subject special condition* (nr cafe utr specified the schedule thia ccttificatc