ZPA Převodníky snímačů teploty

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Katalogové listy a montážní návody. Převodníky snímačů teploty ZPA - přizpůsobují a zesilují signál- unifikují analogový elektrický signál (napěťový 0-10V, proudový 0-20mA, 4-20mA -analogová proudová smyčka - atd.) ze senzoru - korigují nežádoucí vlastnosti - nelinearita, odstup signál-šum apod.- převádí analogový signál na digitální (RS-232, RS-485 apod.).

Vydal: ZPA Nová Paka, a.s. Autor: ZPA NP

Strana 17 z 117

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Poznámky redaktora
ee with: EN 50014: 1997 ind. MESO-HX Manufacturer: Inor Process AB Address: Box 9125. certifies that equ.cz bankovní spojení: CSOB HK číslo účtu: 271 992 523/0300 Sg: IIC:DIC: CZ46504826 . such uncitoi boxeso: L>IN Sundaid Head, list rtquirtrr.'tcatinsis ibe trrfcniral Coiumentiiaon dettribed iei ANNEX III Directive 94/9/EC lac European Parliament ukdthe Council March 1994. 2003-03-17 mristianien Certifican Manager UL International Demko A/S y flnSU » 7730Hrtv fermat lukptnw «45448S666S ar UbUSWOO ** C ATEX 1J4077X ( Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 134077 191 1101 (III (121 Compliance with the Essential Icalth and Sa/eir Requite:!tents ha* been assured cumplar. ■nbehalfofUL InKnaiioial DersltnA/S Hrtirv 3003^)3-17OobefcslfofUll KxnniChristiana UL International D«mko A/S Wksfcea I ip. The mamifactum'i Dr;laririoei ofConionniry declaressompliaixc wšdi other relevant Dinctivo. Further requirements the Directive apply the manufacturing proceu and supply this equipment protective syitem These are not coveted the certificate. ZPA N i 0539 ZPA Nová Paka, s. The examination and test results arc recorded confidential report no. SE-200 Malmd.com leden 2011 © ZPA Nová Paka, a.zpanp.tial Health and Safety Requirements relating design and construction equipment and protective systems intended fot uic potentially cxplcaivc atmospheres given Annex (he Directive. uSeS^i (Pi)1Ks/ i Další informace www. Schedule EC-TYPE ATIO RTIFICATE No D ATEX 134077X O The transmit:« iscalibrated configured with whidi <aabe <nitnectei‘ v tiansraittei ojipu (wftnimJ Sand6 'X'kea piagrsmminj cK« irjmmiret ard conunuisicjtsuninioim lit nuiuHily safeilin shall obseiscd o ipfMiaui must installedin anendoiuie havingan Ingress Protection the xtual use andwith Ingress Protection Iran iP’ft Uw requirement from EN)0U (Toe chargeable non coaduaisc isiifate its piopv UMI .pment protective system has been fniimi comply with the Eiscr.lull limiied it>4 cm2 apparatus ofGroup IIC) not tulflied 9ThenmMinted in fca loenpanble cnclosurri. Pražská 470 509 Nová Paka tel. »A2 50020: 2002 50284 1999 h If the sign placed iftrr thr certificate number, indicates that the equipment protective system lubject special conditions for safe use specified the schedule chi»certificate. The manufastci« snail Kil >imthe notified body concerning all modi. examination and tests the tpecified equipment protective system accordance the Directive 94/9/EC. This EC-Type examination certificate relates only the cesign.inor.cz 2 2 www.erts is fulfilled d Mtddi inil iiin Rtfcuif Concrraief fc>R this Schedule verifiescompliancewith the standards cnly. U International Utmko A/S.: spojovatel: 493 761 111 fax: 493 721 194 e-mail: obchod@zpanp. notified bodv number accordance with Article the Council Ditcctivc 94/9/EC Maich 1994.s.NÁVOD VÝROBKU MESO-H MESO-HX ,1 EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE equipment Protective cir intended for uw in Potentially »i»t Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC EC-Type Examination Certificate Number ATE I34077X Equipment: 2-wire Transmitter. Sweden This equipment [tm tnt xyxtrtr and any anrpublf var there ipKifitd the schedule to this certificate and the document! therein referred to. The marking the equipment protective system shall include the following; O EE* IIC 6 Herlev