WM868-U module equipped with USB bus communication interface.3. The boundary value the output current for the switching off the power supply the output interface mA. The connector "USB Device" type (Type "B", Female). The configuration cable wiring showed the Figure The configuration connector layout the module box displayed the Figure the Picture attachment. Placement connection clamps the RS-485 communication interface and "R100" switch shown the Figure the Picture attachment. WM868-R4 module equipped with RS-485 bus communication interface. The switch placed the RS-485 interface clamps. the module the first the last position the bus, the 100Q terminator can attached line switching "R100" DIP switch "ON" position.2. the output remains overloaded, the power supply the output interface switches and off repeatedly. „ALARM“ indication shines for 0,5 sec. Placement connection clamps the RS-232 communication interface shown the Figure the Picture attachment. 4. The time alarm indicator shining sec; the power supply the output interface switched off during this time. Configuration parameters RS232 „CONFIG. During the device configuration set the parameters the communication and radio interfaces. WM868-REP module not equipped serial/bus communication interface. Bus communication interface RS-232, RS-485, USB WM868-R2 module equipped with RS-232 serial communication interface.1.“ The interface determined for communication between the module and during the unit configuration and the program equipment loading. The indication and operation elements layout the front panel the units shown the Figure 4. The complete overview the adjustable parameters this interface listed the "SW description and configuration" manual. Emergency status indication Emergency status indicated red LED „ALARM“ shining the front panel the unit. The transmission rate the bus communication interface adjustable from 300b/s 38,4 kb/s. The overview the parameters' set and their values and ranges can found the WM868-MM/MS/R2/R4/USB/REP description and configuration manual.
WM868-R2/R4/U/REP description and operation
. after switching the unit power supply voltage on, then turns out and the same time the power supply the output communication interface goes on. The description the utilization these key buttons found The description and configuration document. This interface also made for scanning the current modem status from the communication point view. After three successive unsuccessful attempts switch the output interface on, the output interface stays switched off permanently, the “ALARM” indicator shines permanently and addition the ALARM RELAY switches on. The interface serves for the communication between the WM868-U module and the connected master with USB physical interface with RS-232 serial line emulation. 4. The interface contents overvoltage protection and short circuit protection the output. there overload short circuit the output interface lasting longer than 0,5 sec, the alarm indicator lights up. The interface serves for the communication between the WM868-R4 module and the connected devices which are equipped with RS-485 interface.Indication and operation elements
4. The returning back the standard operation mode the module possible the module reset switching the module off and again (after removing the alarm cause). Indication and operation elements Operation status the unit indicated the front panel LEDs: PWR indicates the presence power supply potential shines blinks indicates data transmission via the radio interface shines blinks indicates data receiving via the radio interface shines blinks indicates data transmission via the M-Bus communication interface shines blinks indicates data receiving via the M-Bus communication interface ALARM shines indicates emergency status the unit The „reset“ button the front panel the module use restart the module processor after download. The button “reset” also used cooperation with “BOOT” key button when downloading SW. case the output current not overloaded the system functions the standard operation mode.4. Recommended line impedance 100Q. The interface serves for the communication between the WM868-R2 module and the connected devices which are equipped with RS-232 interface. After the indicator „ALARM“ turns out, the power supply the output interface switches again