The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

Freely available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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Poznámky redaktora
The opera­ tions, however, are the same. NIKOLA TESLA, SMILJAN, LIRA, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.) To whom concern: B esh e- m e p tro 3.BEST AVAILABLE COP' |United States Patent Office. I ­ g . I ell lie ­ n tiz ill sse tism d i ise fficien tly e io tis ill tra liz stro . represents the same parts before 70 described; but electro-magnetisillustrated in place permanent magnet. 197,115'.som rra ts t y in tio fig ag- 40 t-p ,th e ,ltu e a tio - le f—n t—is . il- ja try tria ­ g r- 5 etic otors, ich llo g is ecific atio . (So model. THERMO-MAGNETIC MOTOR. In s in iffe tly 75 ra ­ in tio d th electro et, to sw itljin lix g su fro 80 A ith t-c re a ith t lias tiz h a at, re N fro 85 co flam , th tin tio t a llo cool, e m tism tin e m 90 tu fro m a flam ts to sse liz tis A ro d from tio 95 , rre ith F . SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent Ňo. I lix ith 100 a fro m th lix ft- . I eon- 45 ith fra rtin is M fro e lo ­ p rte sto lim it, f m tio rin e 50 fro is n tism o sufficient, erco rin W a the. I resen tio ­ ic l'p tin tio ltin g fro tio tism , a is 15 say tiz ­ d tio ise tio ­ t tis fficien tly tra liz d to allo rin tio to th lessen tio so 20 tis fficien tly ­ sto site i­ re tio subject- ­ m tiz t. Fig. In tio to 25 ith tro r­ m e h at, tiz ­ d tio ire tly a n - 30 tis t ' tio also e fo eat-o r-fo ­ te tin rin rtio e re tio ich lin tio n 35 . now cools, e a ttra tio erco e s rin 60 a IT, is a tio ­ p tin s o iirce ­ c sire 65 a lly tin -ro fly­ w eel ill ade of, d in 10; lim is re . Applicationfiled March 30,1886, Serial So. t N tin A n tra liz its tism ffic tly 55 fo rin A a fro lso fro e h ll. 390,121, dated January 15,1889