The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
390,721, dated October 9,1888. With the generator employ exciter. These energizing-coilsarcswound ring or annular field pole-pieces thereon, and produce the action the alternating cur­ rents passing through them progressive 75 shifting the magnetism from pole pole. to the diagram drawing hereto annexed. The cylindrical armature the motor is wound with two coils, right angles, which form independent closed circuits. ‘ My present invention relates, chiefly, the alternating-current Bystem invented me and’described prior patents, notabíy Nos. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. motorsbe used, they are constructed accordance with invention with independent coils sets coils J', in- 70 eluded, respectively, the circuits M'. The practica- 35 bility running . Collecting-brushes d 8 bear, upon these rings, respectively, and convey theenrrents throughthetwo independ- 65 ent line-circuits MM'. 279,153. said,Bystem, have heretofore shown, leiuployed ageneratór alternating currents which there were indépendént in­ duced orgeneratingcoils correspondingto the 25 energizing-coils the converter, and the re­ lations the generator and converters were generally snch that the speed rotation of the magnetic poles the converter equaled that the armatnre the generator. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE. The generator which supplies the current for operating the motors transformers cod- 55 sists this instance subdivided ring or. Withintheringismonnted a cylindrical armature-core wound longitudi­ nally with two independent coils, F', the 60 ends which lead, respectively, totwopairsof insnlated contact orcollectingrings, D'GG', on the armature-shaft. Two independ- too ent circuits are thus formed, one including coils Oof the exciter and the generator, .) To all whom concern* Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub­ ject the Emperor of'Austria, from Smiljan, Lika, bordercountryofAustria-Hungary, now 5 residingatNeW. 30 secure the greatest efficiency, neces­ sary rnn the machines high speed, and this trne not only those generators and motors which are particularly adapted for nse in systein, but others. the main line there may included one more motorsor trans­ formers, both. (Ho model. ' present invention consists another way accomplishing this result, which in certain respects presents many advantages. com­ mon return-wire brusli o'. Application fllad April 88,188a.very high speeds, how­ ever, particularly the case large genera­ tors, limited mechanical conditions, in seekingtoavoid which have devised various plans for operating the system uuder efficient 40 conditions, although running the generatorat a comparatively low rate speed. The secondary coils may then be utilized for running groups incandescent 85 lamps . If transformers employed, connect oné 80 set the primary coils, wound a ring annular core, one circuit, M', and the other primary-coils, N', the cironit M., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE. annular core wound with four diametrically- oppositecoils, EE'. SPECIFICATION forming part oflietteni Patent No. This consists two poles, steel per­ manently magnetized, iron excited a battery other generator continuous cur- 90: rents,audacylindricalarmature-core mounted on shaft, aud wound with two longitudi­ nal coils,CC. I shall describe this invention reference .' 381,968 and 382,280, May 1888, which 15 the motors transformers, generally the converters, areoperated bya progressiveshift­ ing movement their magnetic poles pro­ duced the co-operative action independ­ ent magnetizing-coils through which pass al- 20 ternating currents proper order and direc­ tion. 45 According the invention, lien driving the armature the generator high rate of speed, produce rotation the magnetic poles oneclement thegeneratorand drive the other different speed, which simi- 50 lar results are obtained those secured a rapid rotation one tbo elements. One end each these coils is connectedto the collecting-ringsbe, respect­ ively,while the other ends are both connected 95 to ring, Collecting-brushes^& ' bear on the rings respectively, and conductors L L convey the currents therefrom through tho coils and the generator.BESTAVAILABLECOP' United States Patent Office.rk, the county and State of New York, have invented certain new ahd nsofulImprovements ElectricGenerators, of whichthe followingis aspecification, reference being had the drawing accompanying and io forming part the same.Yo. Serisl No