It obvious that for purposes this inven
tion motors transformers, which may all
designated converters,” are the same,and
that either both may operated the 60
same system arrangement circuits.)
To all whom .
SYSTEM ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION.naming terminals, are both connected.137.
Referring Fig. operate the motor, three line-
wires are used connéct the terminals the 85
generator with those the motor. Fig. Fig.
Within the magnetic ring disk cy
lindrical core wound with two coils, G',
which may connected form two closed
circuits. motor two coils or
two sets coils corresponding relations to
its operative elements one terminal each
40 generator-coil connected the correspond
ing terminals the motor . 3
illustrates diagramraatically the manner of
operating two more motors converters,or 55
both, series. TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. The
A motor this ease shown copipostu
of ring, wound with four coils, J,
electrically connected, co-operate in
pairs; with tendency fix the poles the 75
ring four points ninety degrees apart.rin 95
b, brush line-wire terminal E', wire 7,
coils wire .
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. diagram the system
as nsed operating motors orconverters,
or both, parallel multiple are. designate tfae poles
of the field-magnets alternating-current
generator, the' armature which, being in
this case cylindrical form and mounted 65
shaft, wound longitudinally with coils B
In previous applications for patents made
by have shown and described electrical
systems for the transmission power and the. 390,7-18, dated October 1888. these systems,
25 have described them, two independent
conductors were emjiloyed for each the
independent circuits connecting the gener
ator with the devices for converting the trans
mitted currents into mechanical energy or
30 into electric currents another character;
but have found that this not always neces
sary, and that the two more circuits may
have single return path wire common,
with loss, any,which extremely slight
35 that may disregarded entirely.
conversion and distribution electrical en-
15 ergy, which the motors'and the transformers
contain two morecoilsor setsof coils,which
•were connected independent circuits
with corresponding coils ofan alternating-cur
rent generator, the operation the system be-
20 ing brought about the co-operation the
alternating currents the independent cir
cuits progressively moving shifting the
poles points maximum magnetic effect of
the motors converters. illus
tration, with the order connection shown,
coil the generator producing its maxi
mum current and coil its minimum; hence
the eurrébfc which passes through ire ,. (No model.reference,
to the drawings, which—
Figure diagrammatic illustration a
generator and single motor constructed and
50 electrically connected accordance with the
invention.!*) system
in various ways, will seen fay.coils through two
independent conductors, while the opposite
terminals the respective coils are both con
nected one return-wire. ELECTRIC
COMPANY, SAME PLACE. The terminals7 the two sets 80
pairs coils are connected, respectively, to
the binding-posts'' F', and the other termi
nals, are connected single binding-
post, D'.nited tates ten Office. The shaft carries three insulated con
tact-rings, two which, one
terminal each coil, ed, concern;
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan,
Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, re*
5 siding the city, county, and State New
York, have invented certain new and useful
Improvements Systems Electrical Dis
tribution, which the following specifi
cation, reference being had the drawings ac-
io company}ng and forming part the same. For sake
of Illustration, the generator have two in-’
dependent coils and the.
NIKOLA. 270.
45 This invention applicable.
Application filed April 10,1888, Serial Ho. 70
to the third ring, a.or terminal B', line*wire D,
brush a', ring aud wire/, fixes the polar
line the motor midway between, the two
coils 11; but the coil moves from the po- io<
So far the apparent action mode oi
operation this arrangement concerned,
the single wire D,which js, 3peak,a com
mon return-wire for both circuits, maybe re- 90
garded two independent wires., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA