The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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the core M'. that bears upon the rod atitsupper end and near the middle, and at the lower end this tubular clamp there are armature-segmentsr soft iron. 3. 105 2. 5. have shown 5 them connected with the upper end the core the magnet N. Hhe combination,with the carbon-holder, of tubular clamp surrounding the same, an armature -lever connected said tubular 130 - clamp, and electro magnets the main and ^ shunt circuits,respectively, and armaťure-seg-. frame or arm, extending, preferably, from the core 15 N2 , supports the lever fulcrum-pin, o. The segmental arma­ ture pieces are shown nearly semicircular. 120 4.3*5,986 slide freely through the same. The lower ends the cores 1 S T 2are made with lateral projecting pole-pieces M3 N:l, respectively, and thesepole-pieces are con­ cave their outer ends, and are opposite 40 sides the armature-segments the lower end the tubular clamp E. This lever has an openingor bow surrounding the tubular clamp E, and there are pins pivotal connections w between the lever and this clamp and a spring, r2 , serves support suspend the 25 weight the parts and balance the same, or nearly so. 90 They may Square any other desired shape, the ends the pole-pieces M3E3being made correspond shape. The combination, with the carbon-hold­ ers, two magnets, one the main circuit and the other shunt-circuit, and arma­ ture-lever draw the arc, and feeding mechanism and pole-pieces upon the electro- no magnets act upon the feeding mechanism, substantially specified. The pole-piece 50 M3attracts the armature and the lateral pressure causes the clamp grasp the rod S', and the lever simultaneously moved from the position shown dotted lines, Fig. This spring preferably adjust- able. The combination, electric-arc lamp, 95 of the electro-magnets the main and shunt circuits, respectively, armature-lever and connection the movable carbon-holder, the core the shunt-magnet passing across the end the armature-lever, substantially set 100 forth, that the two magnets act conjunc­ tion the armature-lever moving the car­ bon form the arc and opposition each other beyond the normal position the arma­ ture-lever, substantially specified. This lever has hole, through which the upper end ofthe tubular clamp passes freely, and from the lever link, the lever t, which lever pivoted ring upon 2o one the columns S3 . If, now, the are becomes too long, the current through the helix less- sened, and the magnetism the core N3is in­ creased the greater current passingthrough 70 the shunt, and this core N3attracting the seg­ mental armature lessens the hold the clamp upon the rodS, allowing the latter to slide and lessen the length the arc, which j instantly restores the magnetic equilibrium 75 and causes the clamp hold the rod If it happens that the carbons fall into contact, then the magnetism N2is lessened much that the attraction the magnet will be sufficient move the armature aand lever 80 so that the armature passes above the nor­ mal position, separate the carbons in­ stantly; but when the carbons burn away a greater amount current will pass through the shunt until the attraction the core 85 will overcome the attraction the core and bring the armature-lever again into the nor­ mal horizontal position,and this occurs before the feed can take place. The combination, with the carbon-hold­ ers, two magnets, one the main circuit and the other shunt-circuit, and arma- 115 tnre-lever between two poles such electro­ magnets draw the arc, and feeding mech­ anism and pole-pieces upon the other two poles the electro-magnets act upon the feeding mechanism, substantiallyas specified. This tube counterbored, seen to the section Fig. These springs ' I may adjusted their pressure the screw to, and the spring may sustained upon any suitable support. The magnetism of the pole-piece tends hold the lever A level,or nearly so, the core ISPbeing energized 60 the current the shunt which contains the helix this position the lever is not moved ordinary variation the elec­ tric current because the armature bis strongly attracted the magnetism ofe,and these parts ' are close each other, and the magnetism of • acts right angles the magnetism of . At oneend the lever soft-iron arma­ ture block, over the core the helix 30 and there preferably limiting-screw, c, passing through this armature-block and at theother end the leverAis soft-iron arma­ ture-block, with the end tapering wedge- shaped, and the same comes close and in 35 line with the lateral projection the core N2 . The combination, with the carbon-hold­ ing rod electric-arc lamp, the clamp E, lever spring r2 , armature-lever and electro-magnets the main and shunt circuits, respectively, the pole-pieces M3N3 , 125 and armature-segments substantially set forth. 1, the normal position shown full lines, 55 and doingthe link gand lever are raised, lifting the clamp and rod separating the carbons and forming the arc. The operation ofthese devices asfollows: In the condition inaction the upper carbon rests upon the lower one, and when the cur- V rent turned the electricity passes freely, by the frame and spring through the rod S and carbons the coarse wire and helix M, and the negative binding-post and the core thereby energized. I claim invention— 1. Around the carbon-holding rod between the plates S2 , there atube, which forms a clamp