I not claim herein the mode plan of
producing currents closed conductors 40
magnetic field which herein disclosed,except
in its application this particular purpose;
What claim is—
These motors presentnumerous advantages,
chief among which are their simplicity, relia
bility, economy construction and mainte
nance, and their easy and dangerless manage-
35 ment. commutators are required on
either the generators the motors, thesystem
is cápable ofa very perfect action and involves
but little loss.
The phenomenon alluded to—viz. electro -magnetic motor having its
field-magnets wound with independent coils
and its armature with independent closed coils,
in combination with source alternating 55
currents connected the field-coils and capa
ble progressively shifting the poles the
field-magnet, set forth.382,279 3
I prior application, may short-circuiting
the armature-coils apply the present invention
in order obtain greater power starting.
ing independent inducing energizing cir
cuits and closed induced circuits, alter
nating-current generator having induced or
generating circuits corresponding and con
nected with the energizing-circuits the mo- 50
tor, set forth. The combination, with motor contain- (. This will understood from con
ic siderationof the working conditions.
Frank Murphy,
Frank Hartley.
If borne mind that dynamo-elec
tric machine the energy developed very
nearly proportionate the cube the speed,
it evident that such moment extra-
20 ordinary power brought play reversing
the motor. Assum
ing the armature rotating certain di
rection followingthe movement the shifting
poles, then reverse the direction the shift
ing,which may done reversing the con-
15 nections one the two energizing-circuits.
An advantage and characteristic feature of
5 motors constructed and operated accordance
with this invention their capability al
most instantaneous reversal reversal of
one the energizing-currents from the gen
. motor constructed with annular
field-magnet wound with independent coils 60
and cylindrical disk armature wound with
closed coils, combination with source of
alternating currents connected with the field-
magnet coils and acting progressively shift
or rotate the poles the field, herein set
forth. addition this the resistance
of the motor very greatly reduced the
moment reversal, that much greater
amount current passes through the energiz-
25 ing-circuits., the varia
tion the resistance the motor apparently
like that ordinary motors—I attribute the
variation the amount self-induction in
30 the primary energizing circuits