Figure represents side elevation the
operative parts elements motor em
bodying the principles invention, and
in sectionthe generator for operating thesame. If, the
other hand, the ring annular field-magnet
A held stationary and its magnetic poles
progressively shifted passing through its
coils properly-alternated currents, go
obvious that similar results will follow, for
the passage the currents causing the shift
ing whirling the poles the field-mag
net A-induces currents the closed circuits
of the armature coils E', with the result 95
setting rotation the diskD the same
direction such shifting.\
U nited States Patent Office. PECK, ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY.
50 Figs. Fig. This core wound
with four coils, CCC' O', the diametrically-op-
posite coils being connected the same cir- 55
cuit, and the two free ends each pair being
brought the terminals and i', respectively,
as shown. Serial No.0
the poles the annular field-magnet, main
taining, least theoretically, the same rela-
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.
To illustrate more fully the nature the in-
40 vention Irefer the accompanying drawings. 63
In illustration the action mode op
eration this apparatus,let itbe assumed that
the annular field-magnet permanently
magnetized, present two freepoles dia
metrically opposite. Fig. Inasmuch the
currents are always induced generated in
the coils the same manner, the poles
of the disk cylinder follow continuously 10. 3.
In former application, filed October 12,
1887, No.)
To all whom may concern:
Be known that Niiíola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan,
Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, now
5 residing New York, the county and State
of New York, have invented certain new and
useful Improvements Electro-Magnetic Mo
tors, which the following specification,
reference being had the drawings aceom-
ro panying and forming part the same. modified form motor
in side elevation. Within this annular field-magnet
A mounted soft-iron cylinder disk, D,
on axis, bearings 1
) properly sup- 6o
ported the frame-work the machine. l,the circuits being shown partly in
diagram. and annular core ofsoft
iron, preferably laminated formed in
sulated sections, astobe susceptible rapid
variations magnetism.
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YOKE, Y. suitable mechanical 70
provision now* made for rotating the field-
magnet around the disk,the apparatus exem
plifies the conditions ordinary magneto
generator,and currents would set the
coils closed conductors the disk 75
Evidently these currents would the most
powerful near the points the greatest
density the lines force, and they would,
as all similar cases, tend, least theoreti
cally, establish magnetic poles the disk '
D right angles those the annular field-
magnet result the well-known
reaction these polarities upon each other,
a more less powerful tendency the disk
to rotate the same direction that the 83
field-magnet would established. this case, lfowever, the rotation is
3c produced and maintained the direct attrac
tion the magnetic elements the motor. isa horizontal central section the mo
tor Fig. 382,279, dated May 1,1888.
The disk carries two coils, E', insulated
wire,wound right anglesto one another,and
having their respective ends joined, that
each coil forms separate closed circuit. 252,132,1 have shown and described
a mode plan operating electric motors by
causing progressive shifting the poles of
5 one both the parts elements mo
tor—that say, either the field magnet
or magnets armature, both.
45 Fig. (No model. 256,501.
Application Mod November 30, 188Í. doing the
25 poles the field-magnet the motor are pro
gressively shifted, and their attraction upon
a rotary armature set rotation the lat
ter the direction the movement the
poles. I
havediscovered that advantageous results may
be secured this system utilizing the shift
ing the poles primarily setup currents in
35 closed conductor locatedwithin the influence
of the field the motor, that the rotation
may result from the reaction such currents
F. accom
plish this constructing motor with two or
more independent energizing-circuits, the
2o field-magnets,for example, and connect these
up with corresponding induced generating
circuits alternating-current generator, so
that alternating currents are caused trav
erse the motor circuits. central horizon
tal cross-section Fig