The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Poznámky redaktora
O serv no,w elo city slig tly re rsa ­ in eflected flu ith a re tiv eed flow 85 th tim es g ith eflectio 90°, as ith such as h een tric con­ d its rio ses. 3.1,329,660 c lia ility no ^ sso tro alv e m ism also its, ith i­ tio rta ell-k accesso ries, e 6 use eets e p ecessity lf-c ­ e lig s­ tio t­ ta efficiency f 10 ach size, ­ p siv stitu ill lie r h isio ­ ta acuum st. I tric its h been stru ­ p sed tio ith es, se h ila rity ith stru - 40 tio ith y v it. . T crete 105 le fro firs elem rep d b tio fte t is tra ill c eed a la secu rly rfe t v tio . W iit : 1. F rth its ­ s tru sed ec­ tio ith slo tin in w case it-le ld 60 ssa id o tic alu effectiv e v it, escrib d th lse ­ q - 65 ratus and rfe tio to d isp ssfu lly ith valv r­ o tin en­ g s. sed 130 o s- 110 . is, 90 h er, deflection t secu red filled ith c tiv flu tte r fo llo ist­ ance etw een stacles 95 su its tio ­ te riz becau som e flu ire ­ tio site flow y c stru tio resist- 100 unco rse tim in th ire tio com ­ p tiv r e ire fluid. flow its rn th fric tio ass sista s e lin rfo tio s w ith ­ te scope - 30 rie lia s. t is fro tim flu or leav onto recesses its assag , o fro llo lete go cy cle, eflectio 300°, effected. I ­ tu flu ­ d tra tio in d isclo sed ill f 35 lic tio . rly ea o tio fre ­ sag fluid i- 25 on. 2 sed a clo sed recesses its w lls flu ass fre ire tio (low, 125 h rsa ire ­ tio lle site sense d th fric tio ist­ a ssa sam e. ore f a tin flu as m rre eflected th 90°, ly 45 25% efficiency tta ­ s tru tio escrib it I sig flu above, is eflected each cle 860°, d a co-efficient tin ob- 50 ice lig tly le rm “ een tra t to tric its, ­ p ere tio , 55 tric resistance. T efficiency device, irre ­ sp tiv lses, 70 d first, rsa f d ire tio flow seco tiv e v ity tlie llid flu s w ill ily seen each causes a d tio 180°, an- 75 o 180° ccu each e sp aces ets. T rip tio ill ily s rts ific tio ins 20 stru tio lic tio e d ice ish lim in th resp ects.. rio 115 w lls tio e free, ssa flu ire ­ tio flow ­ v rsa ire tio lle e o site sen its 120 re tio ass sistan ce.quite ilia len d 15 selv easily t a eem ed u ecessary . ­ ra