The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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A fair idea may gained from simple theoretical considerations, 40 clo sely ­ e tio ill seen fro m one ire tio f d flow flu o c eflectio 180 45 ile ffe ­ v tio fro en m site sense. T ilia 105 s tiv rim tio , te illa r”, ith ich i tic stem con­ s tim r m 110 S illa tio s a rte ean e p rin , th tio ill ­ d lan ile 115 d ire tio lid rro fro , th ill ress r m rtm t fro sam ices d h tin tiv clo sed 120 o alv es. T lia tio ­ d r 65 elem ents, tly , cy lic cesses n o nclusion* ire t p tio lity ecau successive ac­ tio ity fin ite lim its ; h er, stru tiv 70 w ise it le eco i­ c sig g e erien ce. A sio rrie second p lid 100 e sily lin closed y p sleeves al. e p site ire tio fro to 1 ile filled . isto n a lin ith d o tle rts tiv 20. Q ite 75 o ice lses h flu its rfo e a lts ill secu red en th ria tio s o tiv 80 w ile t 5. tic , th st is . th ill com ­ p 16, 125 d ice l­ lo fre ssa cesses ill b succession. Its efficacy chiefly determined; first, the magnitude the SO ratio the two resistances offered dis­ turbed and undisturbed flow, respectively, in the directions from and fróm to 4, each individual element the con­ duit; second, the number complete 35 cycles action taking place given length the valvular channel and, third, by the character the impulses themselves. wiil readily observed that the resistance offered the passage the medium will considerable even under constant pressure, but the impediments will full effect only 15 when supplied pulses and, more es­ pecially, when the same are extremely sud­ den and high frequency. case its ­ a lic tio ill e sp ific lly esc rib . tic tio m as 55 less lth rfa frie - ' tio ire tio ­ tu flow eep e as ssib le, , f ill sista - 60 efficiency. I tte 85 s firs . order to bring the fluid masses rest and high velocity short intervals time energy 20 must furnished rate which unat­ tainable, the result being that the impulse cannot penetrate very far before sub­ sides and gives rise movement the opposite direction. is clo sed fla 90 12 sleev stu ffin 14 f tio o c rtm ts, 16, lin is e sta lish d e ila rly 95 F lic ity ice re d tic lly lid rro s in tin ire tio flow . The partitions serve direct the stream upon the buckets and intensify the ac­ tions "causing violent surges and eddies which interfere very materially with the 1Ó flow throughthe conduit. ach case th ill tio a h lic coefficient le 50 eflectio llo t, ’ sam ity tio o re sista ill coeffi­ c ts.1,329,569 and continuous, but intermittent, the fluid being quickly deflected and reversed di­ rection, set whirling motion, brought to rest and again accelerated, these processes 5 following one another rapid succession. only 25 acts hinderment the bodily return of particles but also, measure, a check the propagation disturbance through the medium. 8 illu d in fix d fittin fre lin 10. e n are* tio n w ith irs, scilla- 130 . The device not