007275 0.
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20 1.
T ,
th 40, rte to
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in 43, tiv 90
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50 1.9107 21.75
45 1.014433 0.04
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30 1.5455 10.07
40 1.5505- 20.016361 0.15
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25 ill i
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h tra tru tin r
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80 tio eed d
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0 1.
s tru tio 70
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e 34, 80
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c 27. 52.8185 15.6365 12.1029 22.998182 0.00
25 1.
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15 1.
of decrease
of V.1818 3.015762 0.3636 -8.018406 -0.
Value of
ot fluid.
oi fluid.
of increase
of V.
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m ll-b rin 38
fix 85
n 39.
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c tio ity 65
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5 1.
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th recess 45.
-1 0.018038 -0.000000 0