With this induc
tion device use alternating-current gen-
1^ erator with coils sets coils correspond
with those the converter, and means of
suitable conductors connectup independ-
• cnt circuits the corresponding coils the gen
erator and converter. For
example, shown Fig.
Besides the currents generated the second
ary coils dynamo-magnetic induction other
currents will set the same coils con- 125
sequence any variations the intensity of
the poles the ring This should avoided
by maintaining the intensity the poles con
stant, accomplish which care should be
taken designing and proportioning the gen- 130
erator and distributing the coils the ring
A and balancing their effect. diagram the cir-
5c cuits the entire system, the generator being
shown section. the present appli
cation object describe the best and
most convenient manner which atpres-
35 ent aware carryingout the invention ap
plied system electrical distribution;
but one skilled the art will readily under
stand from the description the modifica
tions proposed said applications, wherein
40 the form both the generator and converter
in the present case may modified. results from this
2 that the different electrical phases the gen
erator are attended corresponding mag
netic changes the converter; or, other
words, that the generator-coils revolve the
points greatest magnetic intensity the
25 converter will progressively shifted or
whirled around. The obvious result will shift the
poles the ring through one-quarter of
its periphery. Fig. This principle have ap
plied under variously-modified conditions to
the operation electro magnetic motors, and
in previous applications, notably those hav-
30 ing Serial hios.
The device provided with suitable bind- 70
ing-posts, which the ends the coils are
led. the shifting 120
the poles the ring powerful dynamic
inductive effect the coils produced. Over these coils then wind
shorter coils coarser wire, O', con
stitute the induced secondary coils.331,970
two sets coils are wound side side su
perposed otherwise placed well-known
ways bring them into the most effective re-
' lations one another and the core. The terminals these coils are con
nected, respectively, four insulated contact 90
or collecting rings, IT, and the four
line circuit-wires connect the brushes K,
bearing these rings, the converter the
order showm.
I use core, which closed upon itself—
that say, annular cylindrical or
equivalent form—and the efficiency the
55 apparatus largely increased the subdi
vision this core make thin strips,
plates, wires soft iron electrically insu
lated far practicable.generates current opposite
direction and increasing strength, while coil
G, passing from its maximum its neu
tral position generates current decreas- 115
ing strength and same direction before,
causes further shifting the poles through
the second quarter the ring. The
5 inducing primary coils wound the core
are divided into pairs sets the proper
electrical connections, that while the coils of
one pair set co-operate fixing the mag
netic poles the core two given diametric-
io ally-opposite points, the coils the other pair
or set—assuming, forsake illustration, that
there are but two—tend fix the poles ninety
degiees from such points. When this is
. horizontal central cross-
section Fig. Assuming coil Gto
be connected circuit with coils the too
converter, and coil with coils B', is
evident that the poles the ring will be
determined coils alone; but the
armature the generator revolves, coil de
delops more current and coil less, until 105
reaches its maximum and its neutral posi
tion. The movement the coils
through the next quarter turn, during no
which coil enters field opposite po
larity and . may con
nected multiple arc when quantity cur
rent desired—as for running group in
candescent lamps, D—while may in- 80
depeqdently connected series circuit
including arc lamps the like. The sec
ond half-revolution will obviously repe
tition the same action. Upon this core,
by any well-known method, wind, say, four
60 coils, B', which use primary coils,
and for which use long lengths compara
tively fine wire. 252,132 and 256,561,1 have de
scribed detail the manner constructing
and using such motors. The
65 construction this any equivalent form of
converter may carried further, above
pointed out, inclosing these coils with iron—
as, for example, winding over the coils a
layer layers insulated iron wire. Fig. The gener
ator this system will adapted the con
verter the manner illustrated.
In illustration therefore the details of
construction which present invention in
volves, now refer the accompanying draw-
45 ir‘gs-
Figure diagrammatic illustration of
the converter and the electrical connections of
the same. For exam
ple, the present case employ pair or- 85
dinary permanent electro magnets, E,
between which mounted cylindrical arma
ture shaft, and wound with two coils,
G G'. looting the results this com
bination, will observed that given 95
point time the coil its neutral posi
tion andisgeneratinglittle current,while
the other coil, G', position where ex
erts its maximum effect. The diametrically-opposite coils and
B' B'are connected, respectively, series, and
the four terminals are connected the bind
ing-posts The induced coils ai-e con- 75
nected together any desired manner