p ista
c reases lin rly ith t
th eflectio tly tio to
65 effect, ise i
cations will not true scale, even though
the instrument prefect other respects.1,209,868 3
se m
c tin ith rfa f
b sufficient ria lly
m ify film be-
5 ele ts, is
e titu
c ith tin
t e
d ity -
m lth ast,
it cases tiv e
a lig effects s
o sity l
a in
25 tra liz ita t
v ria tio ilie l
s rio sly affect
th tio lity eflectio serv .
H isio sse tia l,
20 seal ita h
g sly
in ,
p rfe tly tig filled ith flu id
o ire tin -
25 riv t
clo sed iece stan ce,
30 llu lin s
to scale d
u rim tio
c tro llin 2
is ith ste tip 21, a
35 fib ria
te tin 13,
p tin r. in
n ite ilia r.
T tin . The inference that the actions the
narrow space between the rotative members
are capillary molecular and wholly dif
ferent principle from those taking place 110
in pumping device which the fluid
masses are alternately retarded and accele
In order that the torque should vary rigor
ously the speed, the fluid particles the
minute channels between the rotating and 70
pivoted members should move circles and
not spirals, necessarily would the
case device which pumping action
could take place, and either making
both the primary and secondary elemente 75
effectively-imperforate prevent central
admission air, otherwise con
structed and conditioned that air may not
freely pass from center periphery be
tween the elements the moving system so
unchanging residence definite "body
of, the active medium within the sys
tem insured.
To appreciate this, should borne in
mind that the resistance circular strip
of the active area would, under such con- 95
ditions, proportionate the fourth power
of the diameter that slight compression
and attendant increase density the
medium the peripheral portion would
cause noticeable departure from rigorous 10(
proportionality. Where pumping action,—
that say, acceleration retardation
of fluid movement other than circularly 85
with the primary element,—takes place
the deflections increase more rapidly than
the speed.
in tio tiv e
m rro
n tin -
55 rs, its sio
c sity tio
m m
im rte lig 7,
cau ses til e
60 rte tra tile f
s 14. ily t
in itio lla 16
45 sire .
In calibrating necessary make but
one observation comparative with some posi- 130
. Experience has demon
strated that when the space very narrow,
as indispensable for the fullest attain
ment the desired proportionality, the cen
trifugal effect the active fluid, gase- 105
ous liquid, small unobserv
able. follows that centrifugal force,
which the essential active principle in
pumping, must negligible avoid com- 90
pression the air the periphery which
might result sensibly increased torque.
A rib ice r
u d
ta tio a
s tip firm e
50 tra ity ith
the. The es- 120
tablishment this relation through the ad
justment the torsional spring facili
tated varying the distance between the
parte and thus modifying the torque
and consequently the deflection, (the torque 125
varying inversely the distance) while al
ways keeping within the range throughout
which linear proportionality attainable. The scale, which, will apparent
from the preceding, uniform instru
ment best embodying invention, may 115
be graduated that each degree corresponds
to certain number revolutions per unit
of time, and for convenience, (in shaft-speed
indicators herein shown), the constant
is made round number, 100.
F lik sig te
c rre lf-e .
40 tte tio lle
in tru se, ro
o scale