The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
speoiaoatton letter* Patent. In investigating the effects fluids in motion upon rotative systems have ob­ served that under certain conditions be hereafter defined, the drag turning 50 effort exerted the fluid exactly pro­ portionate its velocity relative the system. For this reason confinement the fluid intervening between the primary and secondary elements of the system that such active, torque- 110 . Patented Dee. latter, especially when the specific gravity or the viscosity the liquid great. More particularly, invention provides a rotatable primary and mechanically re- 35 sistant biased pivoted secondary element, cooperating through intervening fluid medium produce, inherently, without the use compensating instrumentalities, angular displacements the secondary ele- 40 ment linear proportion the rate rota­ tion the primary, that the reading scale may uniformly graduated. This latter advantage secured through the ap­ plication novel principles, discovered by 45 me, which will presently elucidated.1916. My present invention supplies speed measuring appliance amply satisfying com­ mercial demands above stated, struc­ ture wherein the adhesion and viscosity of 30 gaseous medium, preferably air, utilized for torque-transmission between the driving and driven members. 19. 1.809. 941,786.UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. SPEED-INDICATOR. If new fluid were permitted pass freely be­ tween the elements there would be, a pump, with the rise and fall velocity, #5 corresponding changes quantity and the torque would not vary directly the speed, but exponential function the same. Application filed May 89, To all whom may concern: Be known that Nikola esla, citi­ zen the United States, residing New York, the county and State New York, 5 have invented certain new and useful Im­ provements Speed-Indicators, which the following full, clear, and exact de­ scription. This have found true of gaseous and liquid media, with the distinc­ tion however, that the lim its within which 55 the law holds good are narrower for the 19X4. Specifically have devised rate-of-motion indicators which comprise driving and . Broadly speaking, such provision com- monlv made hydraulic brakes for free cir- 100 culation fluid with respect the rotative system, with the attendant acceleration and retardation the flow, will generally pro­ duce torque varying the square the speed, subject however, practice, in- 105 fluences which may cause change ac­ cording still higher powers. Having determined the conditions under which the law proportionality torque to speed (rather than the square the 60 speed some higher exponential func­ tion the same) holds good, have applied my discoveries the production new de­ vices—essentially indicators speed but having wider fields use—which are, 65 many aspects, superior other forms of speedometers. Furthermore, properly designing and co­ ordinating the essential elements such in­ struments have secured substantial linear proportionality between the deflections 80 the indicating secondary element and the rate rotation the driving primary member., ASSIGNOB WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, OP WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, CORPORATION MASSACHUSETTS. The arrangement should such that #0 the exchange fluid acting the system is effectively prevented minimized. Likewise it very desirable that its operation shall be subject little appreciable devia­ tion from accuracy under normal ex- 20 pected extraneous changes, such those of atmospheric density, temperatute, mag­ netic influence, order that the structure may free from any complications inci­ dent the employment specific means 25 compensating for such varying conditions.359. The conditions more less indispensable for this most perfect embodiment in- 86 vention—that say, embodiment a speed indicator approximating rigorous linear proportionality deflection eed - are: 1. In the provision speed indicators, that 10 give direct readings rate motion,— for example shaft speeds terms revolu­ tions per minute vehicle speeds miles per hour—it obviously important that the instrument simple, inexpensive and du- 15 rable, and that its indications correct throughout wide range speed. SerialNo. driven members with confronting, closely- 70 adjacent, noncontacting, smooth, annular surfaces large area, coacting the trans­ mission torque through the viscosity and adhesion interposed thin films air,— mechanical structures offering numerous 75 constructive and operative advantages