The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Poznámky redaktora
Lamson Dyer, Richard Donovan. apparatus for the transmission of electrical energy without wires grounded circuit the outer conducting elements of which have great aggregate area and are 25 arranged surfaces large radii curva­ ture perm the storing of. grounded resonant transm itting circuit having its outer conducting bound­ aries arranged surfaces large radii of curvature combination ith ele- 80 vated terminal great surface supported at points low electric density, substan­ tially described.1,119,732 8 sion, having its outer conducting boundaries on which high tension charge accumulates arranged surfaces large radii curva­ ture, substantially described. 5 The means for producing excessive electric potentials consisting primary exciting circuit and resonant secondary having its outer conducting elements which are subject high tension arranged prox- 10 ity each other and surfaces large radii curvature prevent leakage o . 8. W itnesses: M.the charge and attendant lowering po­ tential, substantially described. NIKOLA TESLA. 7. wireless transm itter com prising 30 combination source oscillations a condenser, prim ary exciting circuit and a secondary grounded and elevated conductor the outer conducting boundaries which are proxim ity each other and arranged 35 in surfaces large radii curvature, sub­ stantially described. 6. 9. high charge all electric density and pre­ vent loss through leakage, substantially as described. . apparatus for the transmission of electrical energy without wires elevated conductor antenna having its outer high 40 potential conducting capacity elements arranged proxim ity each other and in surfaces large radix curvature to overcome the effect the all radius of curvature the individual elements and 45 leakage the charge, set forth. 10. circuit com prising part upon which 18 oscillations are impressed and another part ' for raising the tension resonance, the latter part being supported places low electric density and having its outermost conducting boundaries arranged surfaces 20 large radii curvature, set forth