The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Still another valuable and probably 105 unique quality such motors prime mov­ ers may described. the pump, the radial static 5 pressure, due centrifugal force, added to the tangential dynamic, thus increas­ ing the effective head and assisting the expulsion the fluid. In this case, the machine will operate a SO rotary engine, the fluid continuously ex­ panding its tortuous path the central outlet. the right hand valve shut off and the fluid §5 supplied through the second pipe, the runner is rotated tne direction the dotted ar­ row, the operation, and also the performance remaining the same before, the central ring being bored circle with this purpose 90 in view. ^The same result may obtained in many other ways specially designed valves, ports nozzles for reversing the flow, the description which omitted here the interest simplicity and clear- 95 ness. 55 The above description the operation, I may add, suggested experience and ob-' servation, and advanced merely for the purpose explanation. The1 machine will then work rather like turbine, absorbing the energy kinetic momentum the particles as they whirl, with continuously decreasing speed, the exhaust. ob­ served that the resistance the passage of the fluid between the plates is, approxi­ mately,* proportionate the square the 40 relative speed, which maximum the direction toward the center and equal to the full tangential velocity the fluid. Many other considerations, which will nat- 30 urallv suggest themselves, may affect the de­ sign and construction, but the preceding is thought contain all necessary informa­ tion this regard. Obviously this problem 130 . will understood that a number suitable inlets may provided 100 around the periphery ]of the runner im­ prove the action and that the construction of the machine may modified many ways. But it may pointed out that one respect, at least, the two machines are essentially dif­ ferent. But the transition from purely impulsive expansive action may not be continuous throughout, account criti­ cal states and conditions and comparatively great variations pressure may caused by small changes nozzle velocity. The path least resistance, necessarily taken obedience universal law of 45 motion is, virtually, also that least rela­ tive velocity. Since the centrifugal head increases the square of the revolutions, even more rapidly, and 125 with modern high grade steel great periph­ eral velocities are practicable, possible to attain that condition single stage machine, more readily the runner of large diameter. In the preceding has been assumed that the pressure supply constant con­ tinuous, but will understood that the operation will be, essentially the same the 75 pressure fluctuating intermittent, as that due explosións occurring more < less rapid succession.1,061,206 O transmitter, the receiver both. proper construc­ tion and observance working conditions the centrifugal pressure, opposing the pas­ sage the fluid, may, already indicated, o be made nearly equal the pressure sup­ ply when the machine running idle. The expansion takes place chiefly along the spiral path, for the spread in­ ward opposed the centrifugal force *5 due the velocity whirl and the great resistance radial exhaust. Next, assume that the fluid is admitted the disk chamber not through a port, but diverging nozzle, device con­ verting wholly part, the expansive into 80 velocity-energy. the motor, the contrary, the first named pressure, being op- 10 posed that supply, reduces the effective head and the velocity radial flow toward the center. In order bring out distinctive feature. A very desirable feature, characteristic of machines constructed and operated ac- so cordance with this invention, their capa­ bility reversal rotation. When the ex­ pansion the nozzles complete, nearly so, the fluid pressure the peripheral clear­ ance space small; the nozzle made less divergent and its section enlarged, the 65 pressure rises, finally approximating that of the supply. If the inlet section large, small changes in the speed revolution will produce great differences flow which are further en- 115 hanced the concomitant variations the length the spiral path. while illustrative special case, may re­ garded typical this respect. The undeniable fact that the machine does operate, both 60 expansively and impulsively. For the same reasons but one opera­ tive port nozzle illustrated which might be adapted volute but does not fit best a circular bore. Fig. 25 assume, the first place, that the motive medium admitted the disk chamber through port, that channel which it traverses with nearly uniform velocity. self-regulating machine thus obtained bearing striking resemblance direct-current electric mo­ tor this respect that, with great differences 120 of impressed pressure wide open chan­ nel the flow the fluid through the same is prevented virture rotation. Again, the propelled machine a great torque always desirable, this call­ ing for increased number disks and 15 smaller distance separation, while the propelling machine, for numerous economic reasons, the rotary effort should the small­ est and the speed the greatest practicable