The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Poznámky redaktora
other consid­ erations, which ill naturally suggest them- 125 selves, may affect the design and construc­ tion, but the preceding thought con­ tain all necessary inform ation this re­ gard. It, m ista e sh - 85 isk th o flu its isco sity n g e e tire flu e ru rly rm 4 elo city elo ­ e isk ­ d itio t­ le closed rtic ­ c tric circles. ­ e sid 100 e tio ittin fro m one y d sire tio ­ tio selectio f th isk ita 105 s itte . 603,049. I sam y be tta ith one sin it­ ab eflectio flu tiv e o tio assag es. e flu sid esired , s rte to 65 ­ in sam ft.1,061,142 o tle fro is s ira fre d e tia lly rtie f th flu ittin its to 5 tre lin e its ity ire tio sen sib e­ g rees, ris tic f p its lic ­ tio ile clo s- 10 rtic flu id m a p case ir p can closely i­ c lly sti- 15 ­ te tio ­ q ire flu h th ltip tio b etw een eed flu d 20 isk e q tity flu lle r is, itio al, i­ m rtio tiv rfa f th its effectiv eed r 25 rfo ­ ch eed te w ith size eed f re tio . gain, the propelled machine great torque always desirable, this calling for increased number of disks and smaller distance separation, ISO while the propelling machine, for numer­ ous economic reasons, the rotary effort should the allest and the speed the greatest practicable. 70 T rin rly tio n a lso t field rin ich is co cern flu tiv e a ile ac- 75 tio tte case ire tly site to ith flu s, th lic o cases sam e o tio abo rib rsib 80 i itte d to ­ tio ire tio tte rro y re lia rtie flu id w lin ira ith 85 c tin sly ity s th orifices is d isc . A lic tio rin le w isc ly 55 sib tic effi­ c tiliz tio as ab rib ssio ­ fa tio gases ch cases ill be_ - 60 tio case . ­ fo tio 95 w ire tly lic f flu tiv li­ c tio filed 17, 1911, ria . also t 45 ith ­ in g on lid each its cas­ in ill be e tly sew d 60 lik ith fo ­ c lly jec tio . the motor, the contrary, the first named pressure, being opposed that supply, reduces the ef- 115 fective head and velocity radial flow to­ ward the center. It ill understood that the principles 130 . W r ab rib 90 m issio rta ­ tu fro ila ity etw een tr itte ssa ry f rin lt. T sio ice le, 80 isk n m ill i­ tio ire cases. liq tru . But may stated that one respect, at least, the two machines are essentially if­ ferent. W irre tiv the. the pump, the radial static pressure, due centrifugal force, added 110 to the tangential dynamic, thus increas­ ing the effective head and assisting the ex­ pulsion the fluid