The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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the plate conductor above mentioned, I usually connect the second terminal the condenser the ground, this being the most convenient way ofobtaining negative electric- 5 ity, dispensing with the necessity provid­ ing artificial source. With the stoppage the current the plates cease attracted and sepa­ rate, thus restoring the circuit its original 95 condition. The receiver shown consisting elec­ tromagnet movable armature re­ tractile spring and ratchet-wheel iv, pro- 55 vided with spring-pawl which pivoted to armature illustrated.Fig. The opposite terminal the condenser being con­ nected the ground, which may consid­ ered vast reservoir negative electricity, 70 a feeble current flows continuously into the condenser, and inasmuch these supposed particles are inconceivably small radius or curvature, and consequently charged a relatively very high potential, this charging 75 of the condenser may continue, have found practice, almost indefinitely, even to the point rupturing the dielectric. order utilize for any useful purpose the energy accumu­ lated the condenser, furthermore connect to the terminals the same circuit includ- i ingan instrument apparatus which de­ sired operate and another instrument or device for alternately closing and opening the circuit.pVhen the electrical pres­ sure the terminals rises certain predetermined value the plates 11', attract- 85 ing each other, close the circuit connected to the terminals. The apparatus being arranged shown, will found that when the radiations thesun any other source capable producing the effects before 60 described fall upon the plate accumula­ tion' electrical energy the condenser C will result. Obvi­ ously whatever circuit controller em­ ployed should operate close the circuit 80 in which included when the potential in the condenser has reached the desired magni- f tude. This permits flowof current which energizes the magnet causing to draw down the armature and impart par­ tial rotation the ratchet-wheel the 90 current ceases the armature retracted by the spring without, however, moving the wheel iv. The terminals the condenser are also connected circuit including receiver R, which operated, and cireuit-control- 45 ling device < J, which this case composed of two very thin conducting-plates placed in close proximity and very mobile, either by reason extreme flexibility owing the charater their support.. 2 is diagrammatical representation modi- 35 fied arrangement suitable for special pur­ poses, with circuit-controller actuated by independent means. the condenser, P the insulated plate orconducting body,which 40 exposed the rays, and another plate or conductor, all being joined series,as shown. improve their 50 action, they should inclosed receptacle from which the air may exhausted. inductive relation the primary wire coilp secondary usually a much greater number turns, the ends 125 which connected receiver The ter­ minals the condenser being connected as indicated, one insulated plate and the other grounded plate P', when the tube excited rays streams matter rjo are emitted from the same, which convey a positive charge the plate and condenser- terminal while terminal continuously receiving negative electricity from the plate e 4,. This phenomenon, believe, is best explained follows The sun well as other sources radiant energy throw off mi- 65 nute particles matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon the plate commu­ nicate electrical charge the same. 25 Mydiscovery will more fully understood from the following detailed description and annexed drawings, which reference now made, and which— Figure 1is diagram showing typical forms 30 the devices elements arranged and connected applying the method for the op- oration mechanical contrivance instru­ ment solely the energy stored; and Fig. way of illustration modified arrangement > shown . The rays radiations which are util­ ized for the operation the apparatus above described general terms may derived 20 from natural source, the sun, may be artificially produced such means, for ex­ ample, arc-lamp, Roentgen tube, and the like, and they may employed for a great variety useful purposes. ■Referring Fig. Many useful applications this method of utilizing the radiations emanating from the sun other source and many ways carry­ ing out the same will once suggest them- 100 selves from the above description. This latter may any form cir­ cuit-controller, with fixed movable parts 15 electrodes, which may actuated either by the stored energy orby independentmeans. Thus Fig. The working discharge circuit con- 115 nected the terminals the condenser includes this case the primaryp trans­ former and circuit-controller comprising a fixed terminal brush and movable ter­ minal the shape awheel with conduct- t20 ing and insulating ségments which may be rotated arbitrary speed any suitable means. which the sourceS ra- diant energy special form Roentgen tube devised having but one terminal 105 h, generally aluminium, the form of half sphere with plain polished surface on the front side, from which the streams are thrown off. may excited attaching it one the terminals any generator o sufficiently-high electromotive force; but whatever apparatus used important that the tube exhausted high degree, as otherwise might prove entirely ineffect­ ive